Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pictures (May be rated PG-13, beware)

I have been spending a lot of time in Photoshop lately, and have come up with some neat stuff. I have been doing so mostly because of the contests I'm in. Take a look:

 This one took a bagillion layers, but it turned out great. I'm really proud of the quality.
I got mad at Ryan this morning because he was mad at me for spending so much time in Photoshop. I asked him what else there was to do. He told me to play Skyrim. (Men...)
Anyway, this was for the assignment from the Miss Europe facebook competition, "Gamer Girl" - We had to portray a character from a video game. I did Skyrim, and they said it'd be okay if I portrayed a dragonborn.

 This was one of the possible selections for the first assignment of the aforementioned contest, "Las Vegas Showgirls" - They pick some cool stuff.

 This was another idea.
 Another idea. I didn't like any of them.
 The above is what I turned in. Someone must've slipped something in my coffee, because I'm not sure why I sent that particular image in. I'm just really glad they kept me in the contest.

 This is assignment 5 part one for the Miss World contest. I am supposed to be portraying the 80's. I like this one a lot.

This is part two of assignment 5. I am portraying Marily Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" even though Lia is a redhead. But hey, gentlemen may prefer blondes, but real men prefer redheads. I originally had two male sims, but we're only allowed one other.

I've been doing a lot in Photoshop recently.

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