Thursday, December 15, 2011

Eff my scanner

So I'm working with some of my scanned pictures and they are just not turning out right. The scanner mutilated them. I went to sharpen them and they got this weird green film over them. Argh. I won't ever be using my mother's scanner ever ever ever again. Either she doesn't know how to use it or it just sucks. You can see how bad it is here:

That's what I've been doing as of late. It seems I'm always doing something different, with EOGamer and L2 on the weekends and art in my free time, and now I'm looking at auditioning for show choir, whilst being in art club, chamber choir, and jazz band. I might have too much on my plate. But there's just so much...
I might not be able to do show choir though. I asked my mom about it, because practices will mostly be in the morning. Before my bus gets there. (angry face, bus getting there at 7:45 in the friggin morning, I ain't got time to do nothin')... She refuses to drive me. Betcha' if it were Jenny askin' she'd do it. Stupid brat. Anyway, I am still going to audition, as the next driver's ed classes start in January, I think, and I could work something out with my mom until then. Or someone else. Of course, if I start driving, I'll have the car all day, and mom couldn't do anything until I got home. Why would she let me drive to school? (angry face again! too poor to own three vehicles.)
So BASICALLY show choir is any rich performer's dream, and eff anyone else. This annoys me to bits.