Friday, January 13, 2012

Set Fire to the Rain

Since it's Friday, and even though they haven't taken down the page to post pictures and results yet, I get to post our assignment 2 pictures for the Miss World Sims 3 pageant I'm in. Here goes:


Zelda makes Zuzia happy. I love his idea. It's so much better than mine.

I had to do a lot of editing on this one. There were tons of clipping issues with the hands, and her face was way dark, and you could barely see the violin. I love her eyes.

The theme was, of course, "Joy to the World", and I chose music. Whatever makes them happy. Music makes Lia happy, and Zelda makes Zuzia happy. I loved this assignment.  Can't wait for next week's.

My head hurts too much to be on the computer anymore.

Title story: That song is stuck in my head.