Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's just Runescape...

I can't wait for Comic Con!

I let a friend read the first part of the story today, and he said it was very good, and had no suggestions for me. This is good and bad. Good, because I now know that I'm a good writer. Bad, because I know I need to improve. Ryan started reading it too, but now I think I left it in the art room .... At least I have first hour in there.

I was looking at a bunch of pictures of myself earlier, and realized I could be a hand model. Of course, I realize this just now, after being told be 5 different people that I could be one. For example: (pay strict attention to my hands)

 Like, I don't even try. My hands just end up perfectly. Hand models make tons of money, too. They have husbands who follow them around all day doing stuff for them, cooking, and moving chairs, and opening doors and stuff. They're happy to do it, too. I feel like that would be way too little use with my hands. I enjoy that independence. But the money I could make... Mounds! Tons! Hot-tubs full! That doesn't sound too bad, does it?

Of course, I want my big break to be in film: acting. I can't stay on stage, forever, can I? No, of course not. Someday, and teachers heed my warning, my signature will be worth something. You could eBay those test papers.

No title story.

Stupid creepers

So I was playing Minecraft (the right way for once) the other day and I dug out a house into a hill. Totally normal. Then, it started storming. I hate thunderstorms. I'm really not sure why, but I do. I cry and cringe at every lightning flash and thunder boom, and it bugs me. The sad thing is, right before it started storming, Ryan left to go to the bathroom. I expected him to come back soon, so I just waited. No, it took him 15 minutes. I had to deal with that stupid storm by myself.
I suppose I have quite a few phobias. Optophobia (fear of needles), I'm afraid of fish, I'm hydrophobic, afraid of thunderstorms, the dark, sudden loud noises... I'm just messed up. How do I even survive?

Anyway, I failed to post last night because I came home and went to sleep, so I'm doing it now, during U.S.H. I was at a birthday party last night, and got home around nine. I was tired. I wasn't even going to try to fake a post.

I haven't written the story any yet, because I have a four-day weekend coming up, and I want to wait to get my assignment back for suggestions. I will do some over the weekend. I will say, however, that I have numerous ideas for it. Story changing ideas. I will also leak that, (just because I haven't written a passage like I said I would) Jakayla, from an earlier mini-story, instead of being a Poet, will be an Engineer. I'm still not sure how I'm fitting that in, but it sounds way cooler than poet. Yes, she is going to be based on Jakayla Richards, the sim. And yes, she is a lesbian with Amelia Simon. The Sims.

I'm really sick of one of the chicks in this class. She acts like she's in charge, constantly telling people to shut up, being obnoxious, and calling everyone "child." Seriously, be more mature. Stupid freshman.

Title story: Creepers are exploding mobs on Minecraft.