Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I like Cap'n Crunch

So Mr. Flannel doesn't like his nickname. But think about it, I could call him multiple other ones. Fluffy. Mr. Pants. Beard-guy. I think Mr. Flannel is nice compared to those. (I'm teasin')

I started the next part of chapter four today (I've been lazy, I'm sorry!) and have realized that I like to write things out on a day-to-day basis. This can be good and/or bad. It's a good thing I know what "rough draft" means (wink). It goes kind of fast at the beginning, and has some unusual twists. I just wish Ryan would get to reading it and help me out already.

Speaking of Ryan, he proposed last night. I know, I know. I'm so young. I have my whole life ahead of me. But you know, it is my choice, and it was so sweet, even if we aren't officially engaged. He's a sweetheart.

I made a new Sim yesterday as well, and I think she's gorgeous. I'm still debating on whether or not I should put her up for download (and oh no! I still need to get her head shots!). Here is her link: Amoetta Miller: BJD. I am looking forward to having her in more photo shoots (and redoing that blog's template).

Also, if you haven't read either of my mini-stories (I'm calling them mini now, 'cause it's just shorter than saying they're unfinished sim stories) here are those links: The Slate Themeacy and A Legacy Experiment. The reason they aren't finished is because (in the middle of both of them) my game crashed and deleted its own folders. Pretty sucky.

I was thinking about food today, because I'm always hungry (due to my extremely high metabolism) and my mom mentioned cereal. I told her to get Cap'n Crunch, my favorite cereal. I haven't checked the cabinets yet, but how much do you want to bet she didn't get it?

I also wanted to share this:
We are all the same, guys. The only reason the "Human" arm is cut off there is because the picture didn't fit. It isn't mine, I found it on Facebook.

I hate that Google is buying everything and linking accounts to the same computer. Like, I have one email I use for YouTube, another for blogspot, and another for Gmail. Why? Because at the time, I had a Yahoo! and a Gmail. I used the Yahoo! one for blogspot and for YouTube, except now it's linking blogspot to YouTube to Gmail, and I have to log in and log out whenever I want to check eMail. Why? Because when I used my Yahoo! for blogspot it made me a new Google account. FML.

I also wanted to share another picture:

This is my new avatar for IMVU (actually I just switched back to one of my favorite old ones). Isn't she purdy? I find I'm rather good at taking screenshots now-a-days.