Monday, October 31, 2011

Teachers frustrate me.

So today in my English class I took out the spiral I'm using to write the story in, and I figured it was all good 'cause we just finished reading this weird realist story, and it didn't seem like we were doing anything else. I should've known, especially since it was only a little less than halfway through class. Mr. Teacher-person decided to turn the lights off and play a video. Greeeeeeat. So with that video playing (something about wax dolls killing people) and the lights out I couldn't think or see. [unhappy kittyface]

I have, however, come up with a few ideas. I'm not sure if I want to share these ideas, it'll give it away. I got like two more sentences for the first chapter today, but it finished the first part of that chapter. [yay!]

*rant* I have this weird thing about dolls. Particularly BJD (ball-joint dolls)... I love them. I think they're gorgeous. I especially love the ones on enchanteddoll, they are so unique. Someday I will have the money to get me a nice collection. I. Love. Dolls.

Writing with pencils pisses me off. I am a very light writer, and if all I have is a pencil to write with, hell, I'll do it. But I hate it. Especially if it isn't mechanical, because then the lead mark is wide and gross. Because I write so lightly, I have a hard time seeing what I wrote in pencil, not to mention I write very tiny cursive. So pens just give me lovely penmanship along with lovely writing.

Shout-out to my dad for being my blog's second follower. Love you dad!