Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I am eating strawberry cheesecake ice cream

I am extremely proud of myself. In English (English adventures!) we watched yet ANOTHER effing video. Not that I don't like videos during class or anything insane like that, but damn it, it was pointless! So, using the light from the window on the door, I was able to write the rest of chapter one, AND the first part of chapter two! Not to say that I'm totally finished with either of those, I mean I still have to go over them and get them peer reviewed. (Yes, I'm a nerd and I do those things.)

I reflected today on how I find it impossible to brainstorm for stories. It's just a personal thing, I guess. I can write a story and make it up as I go, but if I brainstorm it, the brainstorm gets scratched anyway, or the story melts down altogether. That's the one thing I hate about English classes, is that the teachers think that all the students learn the same way. *UGH*. (This is why I fail classes, because I can ace tests without ever doing homework, so I never do the homework... Homework, for me, is pointless.)

I will explain now that my characters are based on real people that I know, like my boyfriend, and one of my exes. Gwenith is inspired by Gwen (Guild Wars) and Agathe reminds me of my friend Stanze (stah-n-zee).

My new idea is blossoming very well for the story, I'm in LOVE with it. I also want to say that I am indeed keeping the title Hope is a Thing of Feathers.  Why? Because hope flies away anytime you get too close. Thanks, Emily Dickinson.