So today in creative writing we were making these mood/feeling/blah posters. The themes were anger, love, peacefulness, disappointment, and safety. There was one more, but I forgot it. (also, my shift key is sticky, I can't tell if I'm pressing it. Need a new keyboard)... Under "love" the team with the red marker put down "Sounds like: the bed creaking" and "Feels like: a good time." LOL. My team decided they wanted to put down something about the teacher, our dear Sir Flannel, on every poster. Weirdos.
I have decided that my ex's Guild Wars account is going to Ryan, since he doesn't seem to play anymore, and Ryan doesn't need to waste the money on it. It's actually
my account anyway, I paid for everything on it. And I need my tank back. I have some issues there. So as of tonight the password is changed. Case closed.
Nostalgia break!
And that is what archmages do to my character. They ninja out of nowhere and shoot me with their flame discs of death. |
Kattser: Me, Sevv: My ex, Irish: My baby! (I'm not really sure why I'm saying umm) |
I just think my ee sub is adorable. That hat is my trademark. It was a gift from a GM. |
That's Irish. Yes, that is an IC set with a dynasty shield and an arcana mace. I was poor. |
That's my awesome present cloak. The one I'm wearing is Zaken. |
Skah-toes! I remember leveling down here constantly. Really good exp for high levels, and gave element stones. |
Oh, that's right. I got level 81 after this screenie btw. That's what level I still am. 81. Do you like our titles? I miss that. |
I swear we must've spent days in this area just collecting books and low adena. I loved those bonus exp days. |
This is the last screenshot I ever got in this game. Sevv is on Irish for this one. Yes, the name Sevv is a Star Wars reference. This was the last time I actually played this game.
Aion! (I found the folder) - I only played this game for about two months. I got to level 24 (?)... Then it got boring.
Yes, that's me with a tail and wings. and my hair has kitty ears and kitty bells. It's so fitting for my nickname. |
Which reminds me; today in creative writing (adventures in English!) my group was talking about how they hated cats, and they should all die. This is kind of ironic, considering my nick is Kattster, and I have very cat-like qualities. Examples: expressive eyes, feeling of vibes, hair standing on end, fast reflexes, and temperamental moodiness. I love cats.
I just think this is so pretty. Level 6! |
It's kind of a copy of WoW in some ways... |
This was Stanze's character. |
This was my other character. |
Level 17! I was in party with Stanze! |
To be totally honest, I kind of miss this game. Level 20! I love these graphics. And my character is adorable.
I suppose I'll have to share the Morrowind screenies later on. Yeah, you could say I'm a major gamer. I've played Guild Wars for the past like, 6 years. WoW on and off. I want Skyrim so badly.
I'm not going to lie- I haven't been working on the story at all. I still have to go back and edit some parts on the typed version on Ryan's computer. This will hopefully happen soon.
Not much happened today, except for an excruciating headache, which turned into a migraine, and is still ongoing. Just... fml. My mouse is acting up again. I need new batteries, for the third time since I came home from California. This is the part where I say goodbye and go play Guild Wars like the no-lifer I am, I know, I'm a nerd. I really just don't have that much to say today. No Sims tonight. WoW screenies come in the next post.
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