Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tonight is a Phantom night.

Now that the show is over (I was Leigh in You have the Right to Remain Dead) I have more time to be working on my story. In my next post I suppose I could put in a peek of another passage. (wink)

Now, some eye candy.

 The boyfriend and me ^

Us again -->
^and again

 <-- This is me and my friend Amber
 Me in my makeup-->
 I just think this is a cute picture^

<---In the show, I was the murderer and my bf was the cop.

 I'm floating!

I've had Phantom of the Opera songs stuck in my head all night, think I might watch it for the 268th time. (No, I did not take the time to count.) That's the next production I hope we do, my voice matches Christine's really well.

I guess that's about it for now, since I haven't been focusing on much else except the play. But now alot of my time will be dedicated to this story. Lots of love!