I have been spending a lot of time in Photoshop lately, and have come up with some neat stuff. I have been doing so mostly because of the contests I'm in. Take a look:
This one took a bagillion layers, but it turned out great. I'm really proud of the quality.
I got mad at Ryan this morning because he was mad at me for spending so much time in Photoshop. I asked him what else there was to do. He told me to play Skyrim. (Men...)
Anyway, this was for the assignment from the Miss Europe facebook competition, "Gamer Girl" - We had to portray a character from a video game. I did Skyrim, and they said it'd be okay if I portrayed a dragonborn.
This was one of the possible selections for the first assignment of the aforementioned contest, "Las Vegas Showgirls" - They pick some cool stuff.
This was another idea.
Another idea. I didn't like any of them.
The above is what I turned in. Someone must've slipped something in my coffee, because I'm not sure why I sent that particular image in. I'm just really glad they kept me in the contest.
This is assignment 5 part one for the Miss World contest. I am supposed to be portraying the 80's. I like this one a lot.
This is part two of assignment 5. I am portraying Marily Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" even though Lia is a redhead. But hey, gentlemen may prefer blondes, but real men prefer redheads. I originally had two male sims, but we're only allowed one other.
I've been doing a lot in Photoshop recently.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
A letter to those who have hurt me since sixth grade
I was listening to a class discussion today in American Politics about bullying, and it made me start thinking about a lot of things.
A lot of things that I have been through.
You see, these preps were complaining about some senior girls who were cutting in the lunch line every day. They were afraid to stand up and say anything, and still are, because they don't want these girls talking about them and spreading rumors. They say that it's disrespectful. I agree. They do have a point.
But these are the same preps who have bullied me since the end of the year in sixth grade. One girl I was even friends with at one point.
When I was in sixth grade, I lived in Texas. It was a nice place, with an awesome curriculum, not much bullying, and plenty of open-mindedness among the students (as open minded as sixth graders get, mind you). I was on the A-B honor roll constantly. I had plenty of friends. Halfway through the year, we had to move for personal reasons (reasons I cannot openly disclose on my blog). I went from living in a nice house, with more than enough money for what we needed, to living in a mobile home with four other people. Not even modular, it was a legit mobile home. As in one of those fancy little trailers. Well, let's just cut fancy right out of that sentence.
By the end of the year in sixth grade, here in Wisconsin, I was making straight F's and D's. I was bullied, a lot. My entire seventh grade year I lived in fear of going to school. My bullies may not remember everything they did, but I sure do. Almost every little thing.
I missed 32 days in seventh grade. Thirty-two. I wasn't spoken to by a truancy official until eighth grade.
In seventh grade, some of you may recall I wore a lot of black. I was almost completely outcast, except for a few select people I called friends, who I don't even talk to anymore. Once, during class, a boy walked up to me and hit me in the head with a binder. The girl next to me said:
"Hit her again!"
His reply? "No, I'm too nice."
I remember wondering what made them so much better than me. It wasn't looks, because the girl was three times my size. It wasn't intelligence, because they're both pretty inept in my book. What was it? Let's look back here, and remember something our parents may have told us long ago: "People pick on other people because it makes themselves feel better."
Or something along those lines.
I was harassed for my hygiene. Wait. Didn't I just say I was living in a trailer with four other people? Trailers have those tiny-ass showers that don't keep hot water for five minutes. Yeah, I was going to have oily hair. It's a trailer home, and I'm not rich. I'm sorry I don't have as much luxury as you? Every day in P.E. it was something new.
I was called "stupid," and "freak," and so on. I started cutting halfway through seventh grade. Yes, I did. It was a dark time for me. I do blame other people for that. I do not cut anymore. I will not. I have found other ways to cope.
In eighth grade, Tiffany moved in. I loved Tiffany. By then, we had moved to the country with a modular home, and had built on my room off the sliding door on the side. (yeah, it's pretty sweet).
I became Tiffany's barbie. She dressed me in Hollister, made me not look so emo or gothic. She showed me how to apply "preppy" makeup and she was so nice to me. This was the nicest anyone had been. She met my ex, and his family.
And then my ex started to like her.
I'm not going to go into detail about that, though. What I'm drawing attention to here, is that when I started wearing Hollister, so many people in my grade thought it was so wrong. I remember one day, I was in the bathroom washing my hands. This girl came in.
"Why are you wearing that?"
"Because my roommate made me?"
"Yeah, right. I bet it's just 'cause you think it'll make you fit in."
She left. I didn't know what to think. Honestly, I did hope that I would blend in more. That people wouldn't pick me out the way they did. I was wrong.
After my ex killed himself (yep. He happened to call my roommate before he did, he wouldn't talk to me. Sometimes I tell myself he hated me. He wouldn't ever talk to me), I went into almost complete withdrawal. Ohh, Tiff is hurt soo bad, let's all give her hugs and talk to her. Truth is, she did hurt. But what hurt me more than anything is that no one stopped to think that I might hurt, too. I didn't get any hugs. No one talked to me. I've always been so jealous of things like that.
Well, I failed the eighth grade. I went to summer school and had everything finished two hours early every day. No, I'm not stupid. I just don't do the work. Why? This area's curriculum is retarded.
I was so used to being beat up against the brick wall during middle school, and looking up to see that stupid, fat ass P.E. teacher watching. She never did anything.
Why couldn't anyone help me?
Freshman year. Why can't I just move somewhere else?! was my constant thought. I was picked on by bigots and preps. Mostly close-minded people. By then I was more open about my religion, Wicca, and was being picked on for that. Yup, I was being picked on for my beliefs. I also happen to be bisexual, which I can't exactly help.
People are really going to pick on others just because of their beliefs?
Finally, by the end of my freshman year, my bullies moved onto other targets. I guess they got tired of me not fighting back.
Now, this girl mentioned above, who was complaining about those seniors? She wouldn't know bullying if it punched her in the nose. (Of course, punching her in the nose would be bullying, so could I really say that?)
Something doesn't feel right about that. Now, I have seen her grow as a person. She started off as a sweet girl in sixth grade, turned into a snotty bitch (who, by the way, I wanted to kick in the throat), and is now a very nice person in my eyes. She had bullied me mostly throughout middle school, but something is different about her, now. I could forgive her.
The other girls?
Don't you think it's funny how bullies don't really know they're bullying someone, but it's so obvious to everyone else?
I am awaiting the day that someone actually stands up for me, because I lost the will to stand long ago.
A lot of things that I have been through.
You see, these preps were complaining about some senior girls who were cutting in the lunch line every day. They were afraid to stand up and say anything, and still are, because they don't want these girls talking about them and spreading rumors. They say that it's disrespectful. I agree. They do have a point.
But these are the same preps who have bullied me since the end of the year in sixth grade. One girl I was even friends with at one point.
When I was in sixth grade, I lived in Texas. It was a nice place, with an awesome curriculum, not much bullying, and plenty of open-mindedness among the students (as open minded as sixth graders get, mind you). I was on the A-B honor roll constantly. I had plenty of friends. Halfway through the year, we had to move for personal reasons (reasons I cannot openly disclose on my blog). I went from living in a nice house, with more than enough money for what we needed, to living in a mobile home with four other people. Not even modular, it was a legit mobile home. As in one of those fancy little trailers. Well, let's just cut fancy right out of that sentence.
By the end of the year in sixth grade, here in Wisconsin, I was making straight F's and D's. I was bullied, a lot. My entire seventh grade year I lived in fear of going to school. My bullies may not remember everything they did, but I sure do. Almost every little thing.
I missed 32 days in seventh grade. Thirty-two. I wasn't spoken to by a truancy official until eighth grade.
In seventh grade, some of you may recall I wore a lot of black. I was almost completely outcast, except for a few select people I called friends, who I don't even talk to anymore. Once, during class, a boy walked up to me and hit me in the head with a binder. The girl next to me said:
"Hit her again!"
His reply? "No, I'm too nice."
I remember wondering what made them so much better than me. It wasn't looks, because the girl was three times my size. It wasn't intelligence, because they're both pretty inept in my book. What was it? Let's look back here, and remember something our parents may have told us long ago: "People pick on other people because it makes themselves feel better."
Or something along those lines.
I was harassed for my hygiene. Wait. Didn't I just say I was living in a trailer with four other people? Trailers have those tiny-ass showers that don't keep hot water for five minutes. Yeah, I was going to have oily hair. It's a trailer home, and I'm not rich. I'm sorry I don't have as much luxury as you? Every day in P.E. it was something new.
I was called "stupid," and "freak," and so on. I started cutting halfway through seventh grade. Yes, I did. It was a dark time for me. I do blame other people for that. I do not cut anymore. I will not. I have found other ways to cope.
In eighth grade, Tiffany moved in. I loved Tiffany. By then, we had moved to the country with a modular home, and had built on my room off the sliding door on the side. (yeah, it's pretty sweet).
I became Tiffany's barbie. She dressed me in Hollister, made me not look so emo or gothic. She showed me how to apply "preppy" makeup and she was so nice to me. This was the nicest anyone had been. She met my ex, and his family.
And then my ex started to like her.
I'm not going to go into detail about that, though. What I'm drawing attention to here, is that when I started wearing Hollister, so many people in my grade thought it was so wrong. I remember one day, I was in the bathroom washing my hands. This girl came in.
"Why are you wearing that?"
"Because my roommate made me?"
"Yeah, right. I bet it's just 'cause you think it'll make you fit in."
She left. I didn't know what to think. Honestly, I did hope that I would blend in more. That people wouldn't pick me out the way they did. I was wrong.
After my ex killed himself (yep. He happened to call my roommate before he did, he wouldn't talk to me. Sometimes I tell myself he hated me. He wouldn't ever talk to me), I went into almost complete withdrawal. Ohh, Tiff is hurt soo bad, let's all give her hugs and talk to her. Truth is, she did hurt. But what hurt me more than anything is that no one stopped to think that I might hurt, too. I didn't get any hugs. No one talked to me. I've always been so jealous of things like that.
Well, I failed the eighth grade. I went to summer school and had everything finished two hours early every day. No, I'm not stupid. I just don't do the work. Why? This area's curriculum is retarded.
I was so used to being beat up against the brick wall during middle school, and looking up to see that stupid, fat ass P.E. teacher watching. She never did anything.
Why couldn't anyone help me?
Freshman year. Why can't I just move somewhere else?! was my constant thought. I was picked on by bigots and preps. Mostly close-minded people. By then I was more open about my religion, Wicca, and was being picked on for that. Yup, I was being picked on for my beliefs. I also happen to be bisexual, which I can't exactly help.
People are really going to pick on others just because of their beliefs?
Finally, by the end of my freshman year, my bullies moved onto other targets. I guess they got tired of me not fighting back.
Now, this girl mentioned above, who was complaining about those seniors? She wouldn't know bullying if it punched her in the nose. (Of course, punching her in the nose would be bullying, so could I really say that?)
Something doesn't feel right about that. Now, I have seen her grow as a person. She started off as a sweet girl in sixth grade, turned into a snotty bitch (who, by the way, I wanted to kick in the throat), and is now a very nice person in my eyes. She had bullied me mostly throughout middle school, but something is different about her, now. I could forgive her.
The other girls?
Don't you think it's funny how bullies don't really know they're bullying someone, but it's so obvious to everyone else?
I am awaiting the day that someone actually stands up for me, because I lost the will to stand long ago.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Assignment 3 results
There were no favorites this week. The assignment was "Just Dance" ... I did the tango, Ryan had Polka. Not the best.
Also: I have been working on a new story called Abducted. You can find the link on the lefthand side of this page.
Pictures from that story:
From my ratings, page views, and feedback I can tell it's well-liked. I really like writing it.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
More pictures
Here are a couple that I forgot to put up last night:
I just felt like playing with the grain merge in layer mode. Came out pretty sweet though.
Here's one I did today by request of Ryan:
He requested a fallen angel. This is what I came up with. I am really happy that this did not require a border for it to look more dimensional. I know it's really dark, but that was the point.
Also: I will be working on Lia's sim story later tonight. I am still in the process of restoring everything.
I just felt like playing with the grain merge in layer mode. Came out pretty sweet though.
Here's one I did today by request of Ryan:
He requested a fallen angel. This is what I came up with. I am really happy that this did not require a border for it to look more dimensional. I know it's really dark, but that was the point.
Also: I will be working on Lia's sim story later tonight. I am still in the process of restoring everything.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
A picture
I thought I'd share this too:
One of my favorites so far. It just kind of fell together. I love it. Yes, they are the same sim: Lia Gallagher.
One of my favorites so far. It just kind of fell together. I love it. Yes, they are the same sim: Lia Gallagher.
Monday, January 16, 2012
A bit overwhelmed, but need to keep busy
For some reason, I'm always complaining that I'm so busy and so exhausted because of how busy I am, but whenever I lose everything and have nothing to do, I overwhelm myself with extra work. Like this:
1. Learning French Horn (and working on concert band music, that's tough stuff!)
2. Working on S+E ensemble music for french horn, and a (probably A class) solo for my trumpet
3. Working on S+E musical theater solo (Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - Phantom) and an A - Class solo for voice
4. Three Sims 3 contests (Miss World, Miss Italy, Miss Europe)
5. Colorguard auditions at the end of the year, and will be practicing all summer
6. I'll be a senior next year. Senioritis, here I come x.x
Anyway, yes, I've joined another contest for Sims (for those of you who care). I had to be accepted into this one.
The images I sent with the accepted application:
Lia is so gorgeous... My beautiful Lia Lee <3
And some photos I have been working on:
^Not my best, but I got bored. lol
This was just me playing with the path tool, and the wind and polar coordinate tools. No brushes, everything from scratch, and then a screenshot. She has such an expressive face.
Hope: I haven't been working on it, but I'll get to it. I have other stuff to do too. Still going to do it though!
1. Learning French Horn (and working on concert band music, that's tough stuff!)
2. Working on S+E ensemble music for french horn, and a (probably A class) solo for my trumpet
3. Working on S+E musical theater solo (Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - Phantom) and an A - Class solo for voice
4. Three Sims 3 contests (Miss World, Miss Italy, Miss Europe)
5. Colorguard auditions at the end of the year, and will be practicing all summer
6. I'll be a senior next year. Senioritis, here I come x.x
Anyway, yes, I've joined another contest for Sims (for those of you who care). I had to be accepted into this one.
The images I sent with the accepted application:
Lia is so gorgeous... My beautiful Lia Lee <3
And some photos I have been working on:
^Not my best, but I got bored. lol
This was just me playing with the path tool, and the wind and polar coordinate tools. No brushes, everything from scratch, and then a screenshot. She has such an expressive face.
Hope: I haven't been working on it, but I'll get to it. I have other stuff to do too. Still going to do it though!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Hope update
I got into doing GIMP images again, and have been rather bored. Above this post, you may have noticed a picture with some feathers on it. That is one possibility I have for a book cover. I know, I should've paid more attention to the selection around the text. And I probably shouldn't have saved it as a JPEG. Oh, well.
More GIMP'd items:
Inspired by Adele. More posts coming later.
I have been trying to log into L2 lately. It's being mean and won't let me because server traffic is too high. Ban the noobs.
More GIMP'd items:
Inspired by Adele. More posts coming later.
I have been trying to log into L2 lately. It's being mean and won't let me because server traffic is too high. Ban the noobs.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I'm a favorite!
I am... Super-duper proud of myself. The post from last night with my picture on it? With the violin?
It was chosen as favorite by all three judges, meaning I'm safe for the next round.
The next picture assignment is "Just Dance" -
The requirements:
- Must be a form of Dance ( Not something you made up)
- You may use others in your photo
- You must include a short amount of information on the dance. ( Name and how it's preformed)
It was chosen as favorite by all three judges, meaning I'm safe for the next round.
The next picture assignment is "Just Dance" -
The requirements:
- Must be a form of Dance ( Not something you made up)
- You may use others in your photo
- You must include a short amount of information on the dance. ( Name and how it's preformed)
Since I already had the ballet poses, I was going to go with that, but... That's just so cliche. Instead, I think I'll try a few different things and see what I can come up with. This is my experimental round since I'm safe. Can't wait to get in my game. Just have to find my sticky notes first...
Friday, January 13, 2012
Set Fire to the Rain
Since it's Friday, and even though they haven't taken down the page to post pictures and results yet, I get to post our assignment 2 pictures for the Miss World Sims 3 pageant I'm in. Here goes:
Zelda makes Zuzia happy. I love his idea. It's so much better than mine.
I had to do a lot of editing on this one. There were tons of clipping issues with the hands, and her face was way dark, and you could barely see the violin. I love her eyes.
The theme was, of course, "Joy to the World", and I chose music. Whatever makes them happy. Music makes Lia happy, and Zelda makes Zuzia happy. I loved this assignment. Can't wait for next week's.
My head hurts too much to be on the computer anymore.
Title story: That song is stuck in my head.
Zelda makes Zuzia happy. I love his idea. It's so much better than mine.
I had to do a lot of editing on this one. There were tons of clipping issues with the hands, and her face was way dark, and you could barely see the violin. I love her eyes.
The theme was, of course, "Joy to the World", and I chose music. Whatever makes them happy. Music makes Lia happy, and Zelda makes Zuzia happy. I loved this assignment. Can't wait for next week's.
My head hurts too much to be on the computer anymore.
Title story: That song is stuck in my head.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
You're a beautiful jellyfish
I have updated Lia's story on that blog, and the link is on the left side of this page if you want to go check it out. I'm on chapter four. I know it seems quite happy right now, but wait for a twist in the plot, eventually. There will be drama. I promise.
I can't wait to post the next assignment pictures. They are much better this time. Ryan's is really fabulous, but you'll only get it if you know what Zelda is. (wink)
I logged into Lineage last night, but I was lagging so bad I couldn't do anything. I'll try again this weekend, and probably do some quest guides, if I'm not busy doing assignment pictures with the sims, and showing Ryan how to use gimp. I'm so proud of everything he's been doing with it so far though.
I want cereal. I'm so hungry, my tummilee hurts, and that's bad, because I have an extremely fast metabolism. I want food. So I should probably go make food.
Title story: Ryan was just watching a youtube video from Toby and he was singing that song, "You're beautiful... You're beautiful... You're beautiful, it's true," but instead of "it's true" he said "jelly-fish"... Yeah. Wow.
Hope: Haven't been able to work on it. Ryan only has a trial of microsoft word, and I need to take the version I have at school and put it on my flash drive because it's better than the one I wrote here. LOL. Go figure.
I can't wait to post the next assignment pictures. They are much better this time. Ryan's is really fabulous, but you'll only get it if you know what Zelda is. (wink)
I logged into Lineage last night, but I was lagging so bad I couldn't do anything. I'll try again this weekend, and probably do some quest guides, if I'm not busy doing assignment pictures with the sims, and showing Ryan how to use gimp. I'm so proud of everything he's been doing with it so far though.
I want cereal. I'm so hungry, my tummilee hurts, and that's bad, because I have an extremely fast metabolism. I want food. So I should probably go make food.
Title story: Ryan was just watching a youtube video from Toby and he was singing that song, "You're beautiful... You're beautiful... You're beautiful, it's true," but instead of "it's true" he said "jelly-fish"... Yeah. Wow.
Hope: Haven't been able to work on it. Ryan only has a trial of microsoft word, and I need to take the version I have at school and put it on my flash drive because it's better than the one I wrote here. LOL. Go figure.
Monday, January 9, 2012
PG-13 post of Lia Gallagher's Circus photo
Today is the day! We got our results back from the pageant. I think we did very well, considering it's our first time in an actual contest.
The only comment I got on it was that it would be better if I had zoomed in more. I did purposely have this zoomed out this far, but I get the point they were making. They liked the fact that it looks pretty good for an in-game shot.
It's not exactly my first contest, but it's the first one I've done in Sims 3. I'm glad it's my first one, too. I think it's a good thing I'm starting small. (We are definitely growing in numbers)... I kind of know what I'm doing because of my constant lurking in other contests. (tehe)
His comment was get rid of the glow and work on lighting, otherwise they like it. This is his first contest like this ever. He has good photography skills (and I'm proud of him for it). He has never lurked in a contest. I think that the theme of the circus wasn't that great for him to start with (or for anyone) but hey, at least it was a challenge. It's not fun if it's not challenging, right? (Just like high school!)
I think that the black-on-black on the suit loses a lot of the body. I'll be sure to remind him of that.
The next assignment is "Joy to the World"
(Yes, I have it in already)
The picture has to be black and white, gotta see the face, and have casual, comfy attire. We are allowed to color one part. It's due this Friday, and yes I will be posting it.
I will be working on the next part of Lia's story on the other blog, but that'll be way later tonight. I'm planning on showering after I post this, and then spending some time with Ryan.
The only comment I got on it was that it would be better if I had zoomed in more. I did purposely have this zoomed out this far, but I get the point they were making. They liked the fact that it looks pretty good for an in-game shot.
It's not exactly my first contest, but it's the first one I've done in Sims 3. I'm glad it's my first one, too. I think it's a good thing I'm starting small. (We are definitely growing in numbers)... I kind of know what I'm doing because of my constant lurking in other contests. (tehe)
His comment was get rid of the glow and work on lighting, otherwise they like it. This is his first contest like this ever. He has good photography skills (and I'm proud of him for it). He has never lurked in a contest. I think that the theme of the circus wasn't that great for him to start with (or for anyone) but hey, at least it was a challenge. It's not fun if it's not challenging, right? (Just like high school!)
I think that the black-on-black on the suit loses a lot of the body. I'll be sure to remind him of that.
The next assignment is "Joy to the World"
(Yes, I have it in already)
The picture has to be black and white, gotta see the face, and have casual, comfy attire. We are allowed to color one part. It's due this Friday, and yes I will be posting it.
I will be working on the next part of Lia's story on the other blog, but that'll be way later tonight. I'm planning on showering after I post this, and then spending some time with Ryan.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
A New Story
Well, I decided that I'd write another story just to keep you entertained. That's the least I could do while we all wait for Hope to be finished. I kinda like that. Hope. Instead of Hope is a Thing of Feathers. I'll look into it.
Anyway. You know my model sim, Lia Gallagher? My beautiful Lia Lee... I am making a story for her. Everything I put into this story just felt (and feels) right. Don't judge. Here is the link: Lia Gallagher: A Sims Story
I would like feedback. Remember, I'm not afraid of comments! Positive ones, anyway. Anything that is not completely negative. I'm also not afraid to delete comments. I do have the plot (not thoroughly) thought out. I have gotten a couple suggestions about going into Lia's past, which I think I'll do...
Tomorrow the "Miss World" results are posted! I'm extremely excited. After Ryan figures out his work stuff and I get home, I'll be posting our pictures. I just hope I make it to the next round. I will also be posting the first part of Lia's story tomorrow. Maybe. I can't promise that. I still have to take pictures of my Hope pictures.
I also now have links on the side of my page to my other blogs.
I did not get around to logging into L2 today, but I think I might end up doing that after I post this.
Anyway. You know my model sim, Lia Gallagher? My beautiful Lia Lee... I am making a story for her. Everything I put into this story just felt (and feels) right. Don't judge. Here is the link: Lia Gallagher: A Sims Story
I would like feedback. Remember, I'm not afraid of comments! Positive ones, anyway. Anything that is not completely negative. I'm also not afraid to delete comments. I do have the plot (not thoroughly) thought out. I have gotten a couple suggestions about going into Lia's past, which I think I'll do...
Tomorrow the "Miss World" results are posted! I'm extremely excited. After Ryan figures out his work stuff and I get home, I'll be posting our pictures. I just hope I make it to the next round. I will also be posting the first part of Lia's story tomorrow. Maybe. I can't promise that. I still have to take pictures of my Hope pictures.
I also now have links on the side of my page to my other blogs.
I did not get around to logging into L2 today, but I think I might end up doing that after I post this.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Roleplayers unite >.>
Note: I will update on Hope again at some point. I have the drawings of the characters, but left the sketchbook in my locker. They will be posted sometime next week.
I have made a group on IMVU.com for roleplaying. I know, I'm such a nerd. I have been watching Fairy Tail lately and it makes me want to roleplay, because the plot is so broad and would make a great roleplay story. I also have some IRL friends who love it, too. So I made a group for my IRL friends to have roleplay threads and whatnot. (Message me on facebook about it with questions, it's only if you're actually interested)
The results for Miss World are posted on Monday, and Ryan finally sent his in today! I like it. It has a cool glowie effect. I will post them both once the results are posted. Some others have already posted theirs on profiles and whatnot, and I really look down on that. Mostly because they're giving their ideas away, and no one is supposed to see them before the results are posted. It's just wrong to me. I am very proud of my and Ryan's pictures though. I feel like I should do more editing on mine, because even though the only edit I did was the border, Lia looks really cropped. Oh, well. It's only the first assignment. I will be more careful about my picture in the future.
Haven't played L2 as of late, just haven't felt like logging on... I am going to make a note to log on tomorrow though. See what's up.
I have made a group on IMVU.com for roleplaying. I know, I'm such a nerd. I have been watching Fairy Tail lately and it makes me want to roleplay, because the plot is so broad and would make a great roleplay story. I also have some IRL friends who love it, too. So I made a group for my IRL friends to have roleplay threads and whatnot. (Message me on facebook about it with questions, it's only if you're actually interested)
The results for Miss World are posted on Monday, and Ryan finally sent his in today! I like it. It has a cool glowie effect. I will post them both once the results are posted. Some others have already posted theirs on profiles and whatnot, and I really look down on that. Mostly because they're giving their ideas away, and no one is supposed to see them before the results are posted. It's just wrong to me. I am very proud of my and Ryan's pictures though. I feel like I should do more editing on mine, because even though the only edit I did was the border, Lia looks really cropped. Oh, well. It's only the first assignment. I will be more careful about my picture in the future.
Haven't played L2 as of late, just haven't felt like logging on... I am going to make a note to log on tomorrow though. See what's up.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Update 1 of 2 on Hope
Sometime soon, I promise, I will be posting some pictures of what the characters will look like in my eyes. Yes, I will be posting all of the current characters on my mind and in my story. These will either be drawings or Sims. I will also give a small passage of the story. I have gotten feedback from my teacher and some buddies. I am definitely continuing the story. They, as well as I, like where it is headed. I just need to lengthen the chapters and edit some of the most recent one I wrote.
The post with the pictures and passage may not be until tomorrow.
The post with the pictures and passage may not be until tomorrow.
Monday, January 2, 2012
For those simmers out there who are CC-aholics or who just like downloading sims in general, I have two more up for download on my blog, Katt's Dolls. You can find them here. Note: Minette is just a re-made Jakayla Richards. Dawn was from scratch.
I have been watching season four of Dexter with Ryan. (This would be the... Third time I've seen it.) Everything surprises him. In fact, as soon as I'm done with this blog post we are going to start watching it again. Yay! Cuddles! At the moment he is fighting waves of mobs in Runescape to get to a boss for a fire cape. Apparently.
The "Miss World" pageant is going wonderfully. They finally got all of the needed contestants and put up assignment one. The assignment is "Life's a Circus." I have already turned my photo in and will be posting it next Monday because I don't want to give anything away until they post the final results on the page. That takes away from individualism if any of the others were to see it. I tried to keep it PG-13, but I just couldn't keep myself away from the outfit. I would say it's okay though. No nudity. It is quite a good photo, if I say so myself. I'm very proud of it. I just hope the judges are, too.
What am I going to do for a whole week, waiting for the entries to be posted? Four of us will be eliminated. So damn excited. Sorry, I'm nerding all over the computer right now.
I believe I have posted all of my latest screenshots.
I now have a USB bracelet (thanks, dad) and can carry Hope is a Thing of Feathers with me wherever I go, so I can work on it whenever I can. Yay! I am enjoying 2012 so far. Well, except for that whole S. 1867 thing. Heh.
I have been watching season four of Dexter with Ryan. (This would be the... Third time I've seen it.) Everything surprises him. In fact, as soon as I'm done with this blog post we are going to start watching it again. Yay! Cuddles! At the moment he is fighting waves of mobs in Runescape to get to a boss for a fire cape. Apparently.
The "Miss World" pageant is going wonderfully. They finally got all of the needed contestants and put up assignment one. The assignment is "Life's a Circus." I have already turned my photo in and will be posting it next Monday because I don't want to give anything away until they post the final results on the page. That takes away from individualism if any of the others were to see it. I tried to keep it PG-13, but I just couldn't keep myself away from the outfit. I would say it's okay though. No nudity. It is quite a good photo, if I say so myself. I'm very proud of it. I just hope the judges are, too.
What am I going to do for a whole week, waiting for the entries to be posted? Four of us will be eliminated. So damn excited. Sorry, I'm nerding all over the computer right now.
I believe I have posted all of my latest screenshots.
I now have a USB bracelet (thanks, dad) and can carry Hope is a Thing of Feathers with me wherever I go, so I can work on it whenever I can. Yay! I am enjoying 2012 so far. Well, except for that whole S. 1867 thing. Heh.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
2012 is here, and I finally figured out why.
First, look at this.
-What the hell. 'Scuse my French, but seriously? Our Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Miranda Rights are there for a reason. We became a democracy for a reason. But bill S. 1867 being signed last night by Obama is changing all of that. Apparently, we have no rights. Thanks so much, guys. Really. Check out the comments, too. There's some pretty crazy shit going on. This is insanity. This will be our 2012. I give us less than a year being able to keep calm in a chaotic society. I thought Obama was picking up a lot of pieces. Now, I believe my mom. That man is evil.
Anyway, more sims photos, for a brighter moment.
"The Garden" Photo Op:
These are good!
The shine on the eyes in the above image kind of screwed up and turned a weird purplish color. They're really green.
Lia is so gorgeous. Just so you know, these pictures are exclusive to this blog and to Lia's facebook page. The other blog does not have them.
I didn't realize I hadn't redone her makeup after I had to re-do my CC, but the purple default kind of works.
This is my favorite of the shoot. She's so wonderfully delicate.
"Architecture" Photo Op:
Just out of boredom.
I didn't like these as much, the lighting was off because I was running out of time in the game. (I wanted the shoot in the dark, but light was coming so my streetlights turned off.)
I want her boots.
"Bloody Needles" Photo Op:
Just so you know: I did this shoot from inspiration of two things: My fear of needles, and my belief that the government is killing us off through hospitals. I will not force this opinion on anyone. I will not rant about it. It is an issue that needs to be addressed, though.
"Medieval" Photo Op:
These didn't turn out as good as I wanted, but they're okay.
^Gypsy. No, I did NOT shoot this to be a perv. She is a gypsy.
This one was a little too... Smug. Though, it does show some battle-fierceness. She looks like she's walking towards someone to fight. One of those epic moments in movies.
Apparently this is a sword from Runescape and it makes Ryan happy. It's an "AGS." I lost her eyes though.
And now she's a princess.
-No ginger jokes!
I am NOT excited to go back to school tomorrow. Nope, nope, nope! I just want to Sim all day every day! I will be making some posts for my Katt's Dolls blog tomorrow to show off some more of my sims. They're really just makeovers of some of my older sims, but they are a lot better. I was so scared earlier because all of my .package files went missing in my Sims game documents. I then realized that I made backups. I am so proud of myself.
Title: Explained at the beginning.
-What the hell. 'Scuse my French, but seriously? Our Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Miranda Rights are there for a reason. We became a democracy for a reason. But bill S. 1867 being signed last night by Obama is changing all of that. Apparently, we have no rights. Thanks so much, guys. Really. Check out the comments, too. There's some pretty crazy shit going on. This is insanity. This will be our 2012. I give us less than a year being able to keep calm in a chaotic society. I thought Obama was picking up a lot of pieces. Now, I believe my mom. That man is evil.
Anyway, more sims photos, for a brighter moment.
"The Garden" Photo Op:
These are good!
The shine on the eyes in the above image kind of screwed up and turned a weird purplish color. They're really green.
Lia is so gorgeous. Just so you know, these pictures are exclusive to this blog and to Lia's facebook page. The other blog does not have them.
I didn't realize I hadn't redone her makeup after I had to re-do my CC, but the purple default kind of works.
This is my favorite of the shoot. She's so wonderfully delicate.
"Architecture" Photo Op:
Just out of boredom.
I didn't like these as much, the lighting was off because I was running out of time in the game. (I wanted the shoot in the dark, but light was coming so my streetlights turned off.)
I want her boots.
"Bloody Needles" Photo Op:
Just so you know: I did this shoot from inspiration of two things: My fear of needles, and my belief that the government is killing us off through hospitals. I will not force this opinion on anyone. I will not rant about it. It is an issue that needs to be addressed, though.
"Medieval" Photo Op:
These didn't turn out as good as I wanted, but they're okay.
^Gypsy. No, I did NOT shoot this to be a perv. She is a gypsy.
This one was a little too... Smug. Though, it does show some battle-fierceness. She looks like she's walking towards someone to fight. One of those epic moments in movies.
Apparently this is a sword from Runescape and it makes Ryan happy. It's an "AGS." I lost her eyes though.
And now she's a princess.
-No ginger jokes!
I am NOT excited to go back to school tomorrow. Nope, nope, nope! I just want to Sim all day every day! I will be making some posts for my Katt's Dolls blog tomorrow to show off some more of my sims. They're really just makeovers of some of my older sims, but they are a lot better. I was so scared earlier because all of my .package files went missing in my Sims game documents. I then realized that I made backups. I am so proud of myself.
Title: Explained at the beginning.
He's a marine
I really need to get back to posting these. I've been doing a lot of photo ops with my sim Lia Gallagher (you can find her link in the last blog post). She's a very good model, her face takes every pose to the next level. I say that her lips are her best feature, but I'm beginning to realize it's her eyes, cheeks, and jawline.
"Behind Bars Photo Op:
"The City" Photo Op:
Yeah, I know. The city has been done thousands of times. But it's a good practice shoot, and these came out great. (Oh, and yes, I did turn my graphics up.)
"Behind Bars Photo Op:
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This is my favorite picture from this op. |
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That would be her sister, Amoetta. Yes, Amoetta is a sim I made before Lia. I went back and edited her. She is no longer a doll. I think she was prettier when she was, but I like both. |
"The City" Photo Op:
Yeah, I know. The city has been done thousands of times. But it's a good practice shoot, and these came out great. (Oh, and yes, I did turn my graphics up.)
Lia's "style" is "eccentric". This gives way for me to make her fashion sense really crazy, but really chic. She almost has a GaGa effect, but I wouldn't dress her in meat. (Also, I don't tend to say that someone's fashion sense is bad if they do that and can still work it. If they want to wear it, who's stoppin' em?) -I realize now that gloves would've made the outfit much better.
I call this one "A Night All Alone"I'm really not sure why I put her in a tutu. I am definitely in love with the reflective flooring. ![]() This is my all-time favorite picture of Lia. She looks so delicate, and if you stand back far enough she looks real. (No seriously, this is my wallpaper and I noticed it yesterday. It's awesome)
"On the Town" Photo Op:
This one came to me while I was cleaning. I plan to make a better set and try again, but these look alright.
I believe this is the most glamorous-style shoot I've done. I really hate when the eyes black-out like that. To fix it I had to put in a TON of lighting. At least it didn't ruin the effect. I see way too many screenshots with the eyes blacked out. I really wish I could give advice but I don't want to seem rude. |
I am working on a portfolio site on Wix, but I still haven't completely figured it out. I gave up in frustration yesterday. You can find my portfolio here. I update it a lot. Soon I will have these ops as pages. Lia Gallagher and Briana Parker are going to be my model sims for competitions. I think I may narrow it down to Lia. She is definitely not going up for download unless it's for a photography site. Also, I will be posting more screenshots later as I am going to do more photo ops.
Ryan is restoring his computer to factory settings, so I can't work on my story until he's done redownloading everything. Yes, he saved all his documents.
I have been much too lazy to log into Lineage 2 lately. I just haven't felt like logging in and partying with randoms. I suppose at some point I should log in and do some guides or something. I will. Eventually.
Title story: Ryan watches these videos on Youtube from NightmareRH (note: don't go looking it up unless you want to listen to some really annoyingly obnoxious guy swear incessantly and watch his character dance around on runescape). As I said, he's really obnoxious. He has this nerdy squeaky voice (I think he squeaks on purpose). I looked at a video from him that showed what he really looks like. Turns out he's a marine. He looks way hotter than I had expected him to. Wouldn't ever go near someone like that. Hot guy with prepubescent nerd-voice? No thanks.
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