Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just some thoughts

I like how the people that say they hate drama (oh, and they say this all the time) are always the ones that start it. They're the ones that go onto other peoples' facebook pages deliberately just to post hate either on their status, photos, or on their wall directly.
I would like to point out now that if you have a problem with what I put on my facebook page, ignore it. Why? Because the first amendment is there for a reason. I can post whatever I want on my page. There is a limit, though.
I never call people out. That's called harassment, and internet bullying. I see some of the people that do the aforementioned drama-posts agree with tagged posts about people. I will never, not on my life, call someone out in a status on my facebook. I never put anyone's name on anything. Not even on my blog. What if they don't want to be posted? I won't post their name without asking. Even if it's a good thing. I either make up nicknames, or leave them completely anonymous. Both work well.

As a follow-up of my "letter" post, their may be some thoughts buzzing through your mind about me being a little ungrateful. The point of that letter was to show what most people have no idea I have been through. I want to say now, that among the bad times, there were also good times. Also, I know there are people worse off than me. But some people think that cutting in line is the worst thing in the world, because that may be the worst thing that's ever happened to them. Or maybe not, I don't know that.
Maybe I don't know how many times their hearts were broken, or how many issues they might have at home.

When I was in middle school, I met my boyfriend, Ryan. (Yes, I can say his name!)
He was a cutie. He was funny. (Oh, he still is!)... I had actually met him in 6th grade, but didn't really meet him until seventh grade. You know? So confusing.
Anyway, we met during variety show rehearsals. We became friends. Once, at a fun night, I had to leave early. Even though I didn't know him that well, I knew he liked hugs. I gave a hug to my friend and asked her to give it to him. (Middle schoolers are such dorks.)
Well, I guess she misunderstood. She asked him out for me instead. Thinking back on it, I'm glad she did.
We dated, broke up, dated again, broke up. Twice, we had gone out for ten months at a time. The other times were a couple months. We couldn't really get anything to work, but at the time, he's what made me happy. He's the one that's always been there for me, even when he was pretending to hate me.

My freshman year, I met (wondering if I'll get in trouble for mentioning) Stanze. I was really happy (and I think I still am) that I met her, even though we don't talk much anymore. I'm not going to say anything else, because that's just it. I was happy. At the time, I was dating someone other than Ryan. The man I was dating allowed me to have a girlfriend, too. (I'm bi, get over it.) Stanze and I just kind of "became" a thing. It was epic. We were fucking ninjas. 

By then, I had stopped talking to quite a few of my old friends, and latched onto a select few other people.

Once, in math, I was being picked on by someone. Still a freshman, I was pretty broken already. I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I got a pass to guidance. They let me stay until the lunch bell, and then I went back and sat in the classroom. When lunch was over, a prep (whoah) was the first one to come into the room. She started talking to me. She was really really nice. Of course, she's always been a good person. I've always appreciated that moment. Always.
That day, someone saw me crying when I went into the guidance office. He was one of Ryan's friends. At the time, Ryan was pretending to hate me. But when he hear from his friend that I was sad, he turned up at the end of the day to make sure I was okay.
It was confusing.

I never have regretting anything in my life. I am so happy to have met the people in my life. Every single one of them. Even the ones that hurt me. Why? Because everything makes me stronger. Stronger in will, in determination, in skin, in mind. I thank them all silently for making me who I am today. I just wish some people would see the world like me. Maybe it would be a better place.

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