For those simmers out there who are CC-aholics or who just like downloading sims in general, I have two more up for download on my blog, Katt's Dolls. You can find them here. Note: Minette is just a re-made Jakayla Richards. Dawn was from scratch.
I have been watching season four of Dexter with Ryan. (This would be the... Third time I've seen it.) Everything surprises him. In fact, as soon as I'm done with this blog post we are going to start watching it again. Yay! Cuddles! At the moment he is fighting waves of mobs in Runescape to get to a boss for a fire cape. Apparently.
The "Miss World" pageant is going wonderfully. They finally got all of the needed contestants and put up assignment one. The assignment is "Life's a Circus." I have already turned my photo in and will be posting it next Monday because I don't want to give anything away until they post the final results on the page. That takes away from individualism if any of the others were to see it. I tried to keep it PG-13, but I just couldn't keep myself away from the outfit. I would say it's okay though. No nudity. It is quite a good photo, if I say so myself. I'm very proud of it. I just hope the judges are, too.
What am I going to do for a whole week, waiting for the entries to be posted? Four of us will be eliminated. So damn excited. Sorry, I'm nerding all over the computer right now.
I believe I have posted all of my latest screenshots.
I now have a USB bracelet (thanks, dad) and can carry Hope is a Thing of Feathers with me wherever I go, so I can work on it whenever I can. Yay! I am enjoying 2012 so far. Well, except for that whole S. 1867 thing. Heh.