I hate my Intro to Business class.
I hate it. I have zero interest in the class whatsoever, and I'm supposed to take business law next quarter? Yeah, right!
Not only that, but the people in the class with me are stupid. I mean, how hard is it to use the English language?
By that I mean:
Learn the difference between then and than, among other things.
And, is it absolutely necessary to roll your fucking computer chair over to the teacher to ask her a question? Every single time, just bump into me, distract me from whatever assignment I'm doing, move my chair over, and of course you have to do it twice because you have to get back to your stupid computer. How hard is it to just stand up and walk over there, or better yet, since you're so lazy, just raise your hand.
Every time the kid next to me makes that stupid noise, I just want to take a 2x4 to his face. It's one of those "ch-eah" sounds, but without the "eah" and it's "sh" instead. W.t.f?
I'm tempted to start screaming at him every day.
I strongly dislike people who say they hate drama, but deliberately look for it. You can't have it both ways. Either you hate drama and you're chill, or you're in love with it and create it.
It makes me angry that every other country's residents can speak 4 different languages fluently including English, and some speak English better than 90% of Americans. Four languages. Fluently. 75% of Americans can't spell "express." (Sad, isn't it? I can get a picture.) Of course, that was a freshman.
I wish that schools would teach logic. I mean, it's not like I have an issue with logic, but so many others do. I don't know how they have issues with it. It feels like logic should be a natural thing. We are intelligent beings, right? Let's prove it.
I hate when people complain about academics. They're extremely important in life (even if we're all going to die, anyway). Complaining about literature and other subjects just proves ignorance. You're stupid in that subject, so you hate it. How about learning the stupid skill and using it?
If this offended anyone, I apologize. I'm just extremely angry and frustrated.