Guess what?
You follow morals of many different religions every day. It doesn't matter if you're not part of that faith, there are parts of it that are part of your moral compass.
So do I.
I may be Wiccan, but that doesn't mean I only follow the rules that it teaches me. "Love thy neighbor," and "treat others as you want to be treated," are both followed by Wiccans, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and many other religious people. Do they know they're not alone in this? Sometimes.
"So ever mind the law of three," and "An it harm none, do what ye will," may be familiar if you have any friends or enemies who are Wiccan. The law of three refers to karma. Now, even if you don't believe in karma, do you believe in consequence? They pretty much go hand-in-hand.
The second line above, "An it harm none, do what ye will," shows that we have free will, but we shouldn't abuse that right. True, many abuse it every day, like terrorists, religious extremists, bullies, even authorities.
My uncle Wesley believes that no one should be condemned to a life of torment because they chose to follow a separate faith. There's a first amendment for a reason. He also said, "everyone, by following the laws set forth by congress, abide by at least four of the ten commandments."
You don't have to be part of a particular faith to be a good person. I know plenty of people who would say that I'm a good person, and they're not part of my religion. I'm certainly not going to assume you're a bad person because you're Christian, Satanist, Jewish, or Buddhist. That's not my right. I don't get to say that you're bad because of what you believe in.
What makes you a good or bad person depends on how you treat others based on what they believe, what they like, what their opinions are, their orientation, their height, their weight, if they have braces, if they can't play a sport as well as you, or don't get straight A's like you do.
If you can treat a person like they're worth something, even if they're worth nothing to you, and not stab them in the back in the end, I'd consider you a good person.
If you tell someone they're wrong for believing something, or act like you're better than them just because you're Christian and straight, and they're atheist, agnostic, Jewish, or Buddhist and/or bisexual/homosexual, I would consider you a horrible person. Not just a bad person, but horrible, for believing you're any better than anyone else.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Treated unfair, or hypocrisy?
So today on the bus a little girl called Ryan over to give him some candy. Ryan got up, and Corbin started calling him names. (this wasn't just a small, "fatass" this was full out constant picking at).
Well, Ryan got a little angry. He got in Corbin's face about it. He said, "If you don't like being called the N word, don't call other people names," calling out his hypocrisy.
I think I could defend this statement. Honestly, Corbin does get picked on for being black, and we take care of it. He can't honestly expect not to get treated like an ignorant nine year old when he acts like one.
and this is not exaggerated, "fatass! You're so fat," and "sit down fat ass!" came out of his mouth today towards Ryan.
Of course, mom was defending her little angel, as usual. "He can't help his race, but you can help your weight," she told Ryan. Um? That makes Corbin in the right? I don't think so.
I went to talk to her about it, because Corbin was definitely being defended and Ryan treated unfairly. I said I was "getting tired of Corbin's snotty attitude." She knew what I was talking about and started pointing out my flaws. I could've seen that coming. I go to talk to her about one of her snots in any type of bad way at all, and she latches onto something about me. She tried defending that little brat.
At least my dad agreed with me. I'm so tired of her bullshit. She won't even listen to me when I have a problem. Great parenting skills, right?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Rants, rants!
I hate my Intro to Business class.
I hate it. I have zero interest in the class whatsoever, and I'm supposed to take business law next quarter? Yeah, right!
Not only that, but the people in the class with me are stupid. I mean, how hard is it to use the English language?
By that I mean:
Learn the difference between then and than, among other things.
And, is it absolutely necessary to roll your fucking computer chair over to the teacher to ask her a question? Every single time, just bump into me, distract me from whatever assignment I'm doing, move my chair over, and of course you have to do it twice because you have to get back to your stupid computer. How hard is it to just stand up and walk over there, or better yet, since you're so lazy, just raise your hand.
Every time the kid next to me makes that stupid noise, I just want to take a 2x4 to his face. It's one of those "ch-eah" sounds, but without the "eah" and it's "sh" instead. W.t.f?
I'm tempted to start screaming at him every day.
I strongly dislike people who say they hate drama, but deliberately look for it. You can't have it both ways. Either you hate drama and you're chill, or you're in love with it and create it.
It makes me angry that every other country's residents can speak 4 different languages fluently including English, and some speak English better than 90% of Americans. Four languages. Fluently. 75% of Americans can't spell "express." (Sad, isn't it? I can get a picture.) Of course, that was a freshman.
I wish that schools would teach logic. I mean, it's not like I have an issue with logic, but so many others do. I don't know how they have issues with it. It feels like logic should be a natural thing. We are intelligent beings, right? Let's prove it.
I hate when people complain about academics. They're extremely important in life (even if we're all going to die, anyway). Complaining about literature and other subjects just proves ignorance. You're stupid in that subject, so you hate it. How about learning the stupid skill and using it?
If this offended anyone, I apologize. I'm just extremely angry and frustrated.
I hate it. I have zero interest in the class whatsoever, and I'm supposed to take business law next quarter? Yeah, right!
Not only that, but the people in the class with me are stupid. I mean, how hard is it to use the English language?
By that I mean:
Learn the difference between then and than, among other things.
And, is it absolutely necessary to roll your fucking computer chair over to the teacher to ask her a question? Every single time, just bump into me, distract me from whatever assignment I'm doing, move my chair over, and of course you have to do it twice because you have to get back to your stupid computer. How hard is it to just stand up and walk over there, or better yet, since you're so lazy, just raise your hand.
Every time the kid next to me makes that stupid noise, I just want to take a 2x4 to his face. It's one of those "ch-eah" sounds, but without the "eah" and it's "sh" instead. W.t.f?
I'm tempted to start screaming at him every day.
I strongly dislike people who say they hate drama, but deliberately look for it. You can't have it both ways. Either you hate drama and you're chill, or you're in love with it and create it.
It makes me angry that every other country's residents can speak 4 different languages fluently including English, and some speak English better than 90% of Americans. Four languages. Fluently. 75% of Americans can't spell "express." (Sad, isn't it? I can get a picture.) Of course, that was a freshman.
I wish that schools would teach logic. I mean, it's not like I have an issue with logic, but so many others do. I don't know how they have issues with it. It feels like logic should be a natural thing. We are intelligent beings, right? Let's prove it.
I hate when people complain about academics. They're extremely important in life (even if we're all going to die, anyway). Complaining about literature and other subjects just proves ignorance. You're stupid in that subject, so you hate it. How about learning the stupid skill and using it?
If this offended anyone, I apologize. I'm just extremely angry and frustrated.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Completely surprised
I never expected to get so much feedback. I have had quite a few people messaging me on facebook about my previous posts, with absolutely nothing but nice things to say. I love it. It makes me smile every time I see those messages.
So now, I have a message for you all:
Some of the people messaging me, I don't even talk to a lot. It means so much that so many support me and are sending me such kind words. It truly leaves me speechless. I honestly have no idea how to react but like this. I have gotten zero negative feedback.
From my blog, I have gotten an idea. I don't know who all will do it, but I'd like to put it out there.
I want you to start your own blog. Start it with an autobiography. The point of this is to show that no one is perfect, and no one has been perfectly happy with their entire life, no matter what they say. No matter what the facade they put on in public is. Everyone is different when they're alone. Show me, and everyone else, what you're made of.
Tell me, tell us, about your heartbreaks. About the issues you might have in your family, or a drug problem.
Just to make it a challenge, make it anonymous. You don't have to make yourself anonymous (unless you want to), but you can't mention anyone else's name. Ever. Unless it's your significant other or your sibling. Post the link on your facebook (or not) and/or on a comment to this blog post.
You know what I've been through. I want to know what you've been through.
So now, I have a message for you all:
Some of the people messaging me, I don't even talk to a lot. It means so much that so many support me and are sending me such kind words. It truly leaves me speechless. I honestly have no idea how to react but like this. I have gotten zero negative feedback.
From my blog, I have gotten an idea. I don't know who all will do it, but I'd like to put it out there.
I want you to start your own blog. Start it with an autobiography. The point of this is to show that no one is perfect, and no one has been perfectly happy with their entire life, no matter what they say. No matter what the facade they put on in public is. Everyone is different when they're alone. Show me, and everyone else, what you're made of.
Tell me, tell us, about your heartbreaks. About the issues you might have in your family, or a drug problem.
Just to make it a challenge, make it anonymous. You don't have to make yourself anonymous (unless you want to), but you can't mention anyone else's name. Ever. Unless it's your significant other or your sibling. Post the link on your facebook (or not) and/or on a comment to this blog post.
You know what I've been through. I want to know what you've been through.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Just some thoughts
I like how the people that say they hate drama (oh, and they say this all the time) are always the ones that start it. They're the ones that go onto other peoples' facebook pages deliberately just to post hate either on their status, photos, or on their wall directly.
I would like to point out now that if you have a problem with what I put on my facebook page, ignore it. Why? Because the first amendment is there for a reason. I can post whatever I want on my page. There is a limit, though.
I never call people out. That's called harassment, and internet bullying. I see some of the people that do the aforementioned drama-posts agree with tagged posts about people. I will never, not on my life, call someone out in a status on my facebook. I never put anyone's name on anything. Not even on my blog. What if they don't want to be posted? I won't post their name without asking. Even if it's a good thing. I either make up nicknames, or leave them completely anonymous. Both work well.
As a follow-up of my "letter" post, their may be some thoughts buzzing through your mind about me being a little ungrateful. The point of that letter was to show what most people have no idea I have been through. I want to say now, that among the bad times, there were also good times. Also, I know there are people worse off than me. But some people think that cutting in line is the worst thing in the world, because that may be the worst thing that's ever happened to them. Or maybe not, I don't know that.
Maybe I don't know how many times their hearts were broken, or how many issues they might have at home.
When I was in middle school, I met my boyfriend, Ryan. (Yes, I can say his name!)
He was a cutie. He was funny. (Oh, he still is!)... I had actually met him in 6th grade, but didn't really meet him until seventh grade. You know? So confusing.
Anyway, we met during variety show rehearsals. We became friends. Once, at a fun night, I had to leave early. Even though I didn't know him that well, I knew he liked hugs. I gave a hug to my friend and asked her to give it to him. (Middle schoolers are such dorks.)
Well, I guess she misunderstood. She asked him out for me instead. Thinking back on it, I'm glad she did.
We dated, broke up, dated again, broke up. Twice, we had gone out for ten months at a time. The other times were a couple months. We couldn't really get anything to work, but at the time, he's what made me happy. He's the one that's always been there for me, even when he was pretending to hate me.
My freshman year, I met (wondering if I'll get in trouble for mentioning) Stanze. I was really happy (and I think I still am) that I met her, even though we don't talk much anymore. I'm not going to say anything else, because that's just it. I was happy. At the time, I was dating someone other than Ryan. The man I was dating allowed me to have a girlfriend, too. (I'm bi, get over it.) Stanze and I just kind of "became" a thing. It was epic. We were fucking ninjas.
By then, I had stopped talking to quite a few of my old friends, and latched onto a select few other people.
Once, in math, I was being picked on by someone. Still a freshman, I was pretty broken already. I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I got a pass to guidance. They let me stay until the lunch bell, and then I went back and sat in the classroom. When lunch was over, a prep (whoah) was the first one to come into the room. She started talking to me. She was really really nice. Of course, she's always been a good person. I've always appreciated that moment. Always.
That day, someone saw me crying when I went into the guidance office. He was one of Ryan's friends. At the time, Ryan was pretending to hate me. But when he hear from his friend that I was sad, he turned up at the end of the day to make sure I was okay.
It was confusing.
I never have regretting anything in my life. I am so happy to have met the people in my life. Every single one of them. Even the ones that hurt me. Why? Because everything makes me stronger. Stronger in will, in determination, in skin, in mind. I thank them all silently for making me who I am today. I just wish some people would see the world like me. Maybe it would be a better place.
I would like to point out now that if you have a problem with what I put on my facebook page, ignore it. Why? Because the first amendment is there for a reason. I can post whatever I want on my page. There is a limit, though.
I never call people out. That's called harassment, and internet bullying. I see some of the people that do the aforementioned drama-posts agree with tagged posts about people. I will never, not on my life, call someone out in a status on my facebook. I never put anyone's name on anything. Not even on my blog. What if they don't want to be posted? I won't post their name without asking. Even if it's a good thing. I either make up nicknames, or leave them completely anonymous. Both work well.
As a follow-up of my "letter" post, their may be some thoughts buzzing through your mind about me being a little ungrateful. The point of that letter was to show what most people have no idea I have been through. I want to say now, that among the bad times, there were also good times. Also, I know there are people worse off than me. But some people think that cutting in line is the worst thing in the world, because that may be the worst thing that's ever happened to them. Or maybe not, I don't know that.
Maybe I don't know how many times their hearts were broken, or how many issues they might have at home.
When I was in middle school, I met my boyfriend, Ryan. (Yes, I can say his name!)
He was a cutie. He was funny. (Oh, he still is!)... I had actually met him in 6th grade, but didn't really meet him until seventh grade. You know? So confusing.
Anyway, we met during variety show rehearsals. We became friends. Once, at a fun night, I had to leave early. Even though I didn't know him that well, I knew he liked hugs. I gave a hug to my friend and asked her to give it to him. (Middle schoolers are such dorks.)
Well, I guess she misunderstood. She asked him out for me instead. Thinking back on it, I'm glad she did.
We dated, broke up, dated again, broke up. Twice, we had gone out for ten months at a time. The other times were a couple months. We couldn't really get anything to work, but at the time, he's what made me happy. He's the one that's always been there for me, even when he was pretending to hate me.
My freshman year, I met (wondering if I'll get in trouble for mentioning) Stanze. I was really happy (and I think I still am) that I met her, even though we don't talk much anymore. I'm not going to say anything else, because that's just it. I was happy. At the time, I was dating someone other than Ryan. The man I was dating allowed me to have a girlfriend, too. (I'm bi, get over it.) Stanze and I just kind of "became" a thing. It was epic. We were fucking ninjas.
By then, I had stopped talking to quite a few of my old friends, and latched onto a select few other people.
Once, in math, I was being picked on by someone. Still a freshman, I was pretty broken already. I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I got a pass to guidance. They let me stay until the lunch bell, and then I went back and sat in the classroom. When lunch was over, a prep (whoah) was the first one to come into the room. She started talking to me. She was really really nice. Of course, she's always been a good person. I've always appreciated that moment. Always.
That day, someone saw me crying when I went into the guidance office. He was one of Ryan's friends. At the time, Ryan was pretending to hate me. But when he hear from his friend that I was sad, he turned up at the end of the day to make sure I was okay.
It was confusing.
I never have regretting anything in my life. I am so happy to have met the people in my life. Every single one of them. Even the ones that hurt me. Why? Because everything makes me stronger. Stronger in will, in determination, in skin, in mind. I thank them all silently for making me who I am today. I just wish some people would see the world like me. Maybe it would be a better place.
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