Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stir Crazy

My WoW time is almost up, and I doubt I'll be going back to it.

I am 10% away from 82 in Lineage 2 and I really just don't feel like logging on.

Currently only three people have entered the "Miss World" pageant thingie on FB, and I'm super excited to get the ball rolling. I really wish more people would post so that I wouldn't be so bored.
I'm going insane stuck in this house. I can't take it anymore. I'm getting very temperamental and moody. Everything stupid someone says, I'll get extremely frustrated. I need to get out of this house for awhile. The bad thing is, I can't go for a walk. There is nowhere to walk to, and no one to walk with me. I hate long walks alone in the country. It's cold, and I have bad circulation, no winter coat, and no fat on my body to keep me warm. I hate the outdoors. Why can't it be summer?

I'm annoyed with all these self-proclaimed "authors" of sim legacies that can't spell or write for shit. I can understand those who don't speak English as a first language. Americans, go get an education! You can't be an author without an editor. OOPS! I'm sorry. I shouldn't be rude, no matter how moody I am...

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