Friday, November 11, 2011

I enjoy tacos

So my creative writing class has this thing called "open-mic-friday" and it sounds pretty cool. The thing is, whenever I think of open-mic I think about music. Considering my need to sing ALL day it doesn't help. But this does give me the opportunity to share some favorites from Poe and Dickinson, along with stuff I come up with. (my stuff has, indeed, gotten darker lately)
I would sing all day if I could. All day. The only thing getting in my way are classes. I get to sing all day tomorrow, though. I'm going to Singing in Wisconsin. Very excited, except I've been feeling really sick lately. The only downfall there is that it's all Christian music. I have nothing against Christian music, except every single piece we've done this year is about the Christian god. Again, I have nothing against Christians, I'm just tired of praising someone else's god. I don't enjoy it.

One thing that I was talking with a buddy about earlier is the death sentence. We were talking about the Rosenbergs' trial (that's a German last name, I think. Rosen = rose) and how they were electrocuted for treason/blahblah and I got to thinking: what in hell gives us the right to take someone's life? Even if they took one? Doesn't that make us hypocrites?
I believe it does. "Why do we kill people to show people that killing people is wrong?" I've seen this saying a few times on the netterwebs. I think it makes sense. I'm sorry if you're in favor of the death sentence, but even if some criminal takes someone else's life, how is it fair that the government is allowed to take that person's life? Even with economic issues (actually, it costs more to electrocute someone than to keep them in prison). My biggest issue (if I were in the chair) would be that they would be shaving my head. I will die with all of my hair, thanks. I sometimes think that people in favor of the death sentence might be trigger-happy themselves. I know it isn't fair to stereotype them that way.

So everyone is so excited for Skyrim. Well, guess what, I am too and I actually know what Morrowind is. I would have Skyrim right now, but I have no money. I'm broke. Ryan said he'd get the computer version for me, though. That makes me a happy salamander.

I have pretty much given up on the sims. I was going to have this post on my other blog (Kattster's Dolls) with a black sim named Jakayla and a white sim named Amelia and they'd be a couple. Unfortunately, whenever I enter CAS and add a new sim or select a preset my game crashes. I don't think it has anything to do with CC, because I used to have a whole ton of CC, and now all I have is just what I need. Unless it has to do with the newest patch, in which case I have to restart my CC collection and update everything. (Being a CC junkie can be a hassle!) ... I might try that soon, though. I'm already going through withdrawals. Actually, I think the headaches are from lack of soda.

Ryan still hasn't read what I have typed up for Hope is a Thing of Feathers. I keep asking him to, so he can help me. I know it isn't that great yet, and I need suggestions from a fellow writer, but he's too lazy to read it! This makes me a frustrated salamander.

Okay, stop wondering why I keep saying salamander. It's just a thing.

Where were you last night? 
Short story
Where were you last night? Jenna thought to the air. She lay in bed in tears, throat soar from crying. Why couldn't you be here? Krad missed their date the night before, and was still nowhere to be found. Jenna cuddled her teddy bear closer. The one he gave her. She choked again. Last night had only consisted of her asking herself "Why?" over and over again amongst sobs, out of shock. She had come back to earth the next morning.
A call from Krad's mom just an hour before had set Jenna's worry even further. He was missing. Maybe kidnapped, or attacked. Most likely the latter, for his car was nowhere to be found. Jenna's phone rang again. Restricted number.
"Hello?" she said weakly.
"I called to say goodbye. I love you, Jenna," came Krad's voice. His line clicked off.
Jenna frantically called 911. What is going on? she thought.

I wrote that in class with a story prompt. *hopes Sir Flannel doesn't mind*
I will try to be putting at least one of these cute stories a week. See what I mean by my writing getting darker? That's what's up.

Tacos? Yes, tacos for dinner. On that note, I have to go and grate cheese. I can't do anything else, 'cause the tomatoes always smush when I dice them and the onions burn my eyes (you know how people say they make you cry? They burn.... I end up in the shower plowing out my eyes with cold water. Yeah.)

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