Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A bit extra

There are some things I did not mention in my earlier post, and I figure instead of editing it I'll just make another. It'll notify easier that way. This is my Sims portion of the day. My latest sim is Trudy Marsh, the techie from You Have the Right to Remain Dead. I figure I'll go ahead and make my character, too, but later. Or maybe not. I should move on from that play. Another neat thing is: Scooby Doo - Isn't he adorable? I don't really like the shows/movies but that's just too damn cute.
Allan wants my L2 accounts. (LOL not happening.)... Those are my babies. As much as I say I don't care about L2 anymore, that's definitely not true. Irish and Kattster are my babies and no one can has. No one. Can. Has.
Yes. I meant to be grammatically incorrect. I can do that because I know the difference, unlike most of the rest of my school. There is a difference between of and off, and loose and lose, and then and than, and let's not forget has and have, their, there, and they're, for, four and fore.
To, too, and two.
Which and witch.
Whose and whos.
u and you. (seriously, w.t.f.?)

As you can see, I am a little bit educated. Just a little. I learned all this in fourth grade. Come on, people.

Edit: WoW screenies!

I got 11 levels within a week. 11. From 33 to 44. On a trial. What.

I'm on a boat!

I'm a pirate!

Some of the skill graphics are kinda cool.

Evil Dolly. Evil, alright. That's an alliance!

That dragon has a beard!

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