Wednesday, November 30, 2011

20% per hour and a half.

I haven't posted in a few days, and I apologize. The first day I didn't, my internet had been out. (Thanks, CenturyLink.) The second and third day I was just too lazy and interested in Lineage 2. The fourth my net was down again. After that I've just been dead. So, I figured I should post whilst my L2 updater and CCleaner are running.

My L2 updater is running at 20% per hour and a half on the first (of five) files. 58 KB/s. (Thanks, CenturyLink.) So, while everyone is getting prizes on the new server, I'm getting nada, as this won't be finished until about 1 a.m. ... If anyone is interested in the patch notes they can be found here. It looks more awesome than I thought it would be. I actually quit because of this update, but now that the game is free, why not? The navigation is on the right side of the page. Yes, you should most definitely come and play L2 with me. I give free newbie gear. That reminds me, I got my full Moirai set finally!

It's extremely detailed. I feel it's practically made for gladiators. Look at that hero shout in the chat box... He really did an impression too. It went something like this: rara ra-a-aah, rama-rama-maah, gaga-oh-la-laah, wake up in the mornin feelin' like P-diddy, got my glasses I'm on the edge of glory, tik tok... etc.... I'm pretty sure that's word for word. Too bad I didn't get a screenie. The only reason I don't have much HP is because I'm unbuffed. With full buffs I go up to around 15k HP. Total. 
When I get to 85 my awakened class will be the Tyrr warrior. It actually looks pretty sweet.

When the H5 (high-5) PTS came out I played an archer, and it was so much fun. So, I made an archer on my third account. Hopefully I'll have time to play it sometimes.

I haven't been to school the past couple days because of cramps. I get them horribly... I shake and cry and end up in the fetal position for minutes at a time. Yeah. Not going to school in that condition.

I haven't written anything either, as Ryan is trying to get 99 strength on Runescape. (Noobscape.) Just kidding, I've actually been trying to help him. Like if he needs go afk or something I'll run his character. I feel like if I had a higher level account I'd play more, mine is only level like, 23. His is 119. I don't have the patience for the lower levels.

Maybe now I'll actually feel like paying for other games like WoW, or Aion, maybe I'll get Skyrim, or save for when GW2 comes out. Man, if I could play games for a living, I would.

Improv-poem time!:

You've poisoned my mind
Somehow, I want more
You took my all, and threw it out the door
You chewed my esteem,
and stepped on my heart
Yet somehow, I need more

My heart aches
needs you near
Whenever you speak,
I almost don't hear
You're hurting me
Is that your goal?
To kill my heart with your silent voice, like a spear?

Forever will you play with my emotions
For eternity will I search for yours
In each lifetime, opening more and more doors...
Hoping to catch a glimpse of 
Actually caring for me, 
I reach for false sanctuary...

Hey! It actually turned out okay. Most of the time my poems are a bunch of B.S. and suck. But this is pretty good.
I've been listening to Halestorm recently, she's given me plenty of inspiration for drawing and writing.

So, I'm going to share now some cool info. Recently I have come up with a business plan and some good ideas for a computer game. More specifically, and MMORPG. I have been doing a lot of concept art, which is why I don't post any art, I don't want anything stolen. I won't give away any ideas. But this is another reason I've been busy with other stuff. I have a few select friends I have helping me with the project, and we are working on the concept art, creation story, and research stage. I will say that it is set in a medieval fantasy realm, much like a lot of MMO's today. It will be nothing like WoW or L2. If you really really want to see some of the concept art, you can come find me. I will not post them on the net until I have them contracted.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You mad bro?

I neglected to make a post last night! Have I been getting lazy or what? I was just tired. Anywho, I wrote a little bit of the story last night, and then some more today. I figure that since the first six chapters went by so fast I should really draw one out just to waste time, that and add more in the beginning. I have a few more wonderful ideas for the story, and am starting to improvise it a little more. I've stopped handwriting it because I got too ahead in the typed version.

I haven't made a sim in awhile, so I suppose I'll go and do that tomorrow.

My dad's home, and I get to listen to him yell. A lot. Mostly at Jenny. I just don't like yelling.

I suppose my dislike of yelling is sort of a downfall, since I'm in theater. I cry when I get yelled at, or when someone near me gets yelled at. It's really weird. I don't like yelling.

I was playing Minecraft last night, and I found this trench full of mining galore. It was pretty deep, and the bottom had lava. (This is on a very confusing map, mind you. The only reason I found the trench was because I couldn't find my house.) I placed a block of dirt down to jump on, and all of a sudden my dude jumps forward and falls down. Turns out Ryan had changed it to difficulty: hard so that something shoved me down there. I respawned, and now I still can't find my house, or the trench. I lost all of my mining stuff, my armor, everything, and I can't even find my house. Argh! I blame Ryan!

I actually logged onto Lineage 2 today. I wanted to go exping very badly, so I went out to Den of Evil to kill some orcs. Well, about 7 minutes into my grind, Ryan decides it's the perfect time to be on youtube. Thanks for the lag. I died. At least I don't lose anything but exp in L2. Tomorrow my clan is doing a party for Anthara's Lair. 1.2mill exp per kill, double exp weekend for the event, plus the exp bonuses from recommends and an extra hour of the bonus exp. That, and full vitality for at least four hours. I'm excited. I'm going to go from 81 to whatever tomorrow, and no one can stop me! I will play all day! I can't wait to get in vent and talk to them again. I missed my buddies so much. They're so misinformed though. Like half of them still thought me and my ex were still together.

Ryan tends to get his Runescape hacked once a week. Poor guy.

I want Skyrim so bad! I'm jealous of everyone who has it. And Ryan still has yet to get Skyward Sword. He just needs to get to Eau Claire to get his SS card. (cry, cry, no one will take him, and they're only open weekdays, and not on holidays. Makes it so great for students to deal with SS stuff. Idiots.)

I just had two slices of key lime pie. I loved every bit. Time for pumpkin.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's just Runescape...

I can't wait for Comic Con!

I let a friend read the first part of the story today, and he said it was very good, and had no suggestions for me. This is good and bad. Good, because I now know that I'm a good writer. Bad, because I know I need to improve. Ryan started reading it too, but now I think I left it in the art room .... At least I have first hour in there.

I was looking at a bunch of pictures of myself earlier, and realized I could be a hand model. Of course, I realize this just now, after being told be 5 different people that I could be one. For example: (pay strict attention to my hands)

 Like, I don't even try. My hands just end up perfectly. Hand models make tons of money, too. They have husbands who follow them around all day doing stuff for them, cooking, and moving chairs, and opening doors and stuff. They're happy to do it, too. I feel like that would be way too little use with my hands. I enjoy that independence. But the money I could make... Mounds! Tons! Hot-tubs full! That doesn't sound too bad, does it?

Of course, I want my big break to be in film: acting. I can't stay on stage, forever, can I? No, of course not. Someday, and teachers heed my warning, my signature will be worth something. You could eBay those test papers.

No title story.

Stupid creepers

So I was playing Minecraft (the right way for once) the other day and I dug out a house into a hill. Totally normal. Then, it started storming. I hate thunderstorms. I'm really not sure why, but I do. I cry and cringe at every lightning flash and thunder boom, and it bugs me. The sad thing is, right before it started storming, Ryan left to go to the bathroom. I expected him to come back soon, so I just waited. No, it took him 15 minutes. I had to deal with that stupid storm by myself.
I suppose I have quite a few phobias. Optophobia (fear of needles), I'm afraid of fish, I'm hydrophobic, afraid of thunderstorms, the dark, sudden loud noises... I'm just messed up. How do I even survive?

Anyway, I failed to post last night because I came home and went to sleep, so I'm doing it now, during U.S.H. I was at a birthday party last night, and got home around nine. I was tired. I wasn't even going to try to fake a post.

I haven't written the story any yet, because I have a four-day weekend coming up, and I want to wait to get my assignment back for suggestions. I will do some over the weekend. I will say, however, that I have numerous ideas for it. Story changing ideas. I will also leak that, (just because I haven't written a passage like I said I would) Jakayla, from an earlier mini-story, instead of being a Poet, will be an Engineer. I'm still not sure how I'm fitting that in, but it sounds way cooler than poet. Yes, she is going to be based on Jakayla Richards, the sim. And yes, she is a lesbian with Amelia Simon. The Sims.

I'm really sick of one of the chicks in this class. She acts like she's in charge, constantly telling people to shut up, being obnoxious, and calling everyone "child." Seriously, be more mature. Stupid freshman.

Title story: Creepers are exploding mobs on Minecraft.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ra- Ra- Rasputin!

I miss colorguard... I miss it so very much. I wish we had winterguard. We could perform at basketball games and stuff. It's the only sport I think I'll ever be involved in, or good at. And since I was the only junior this year, I'll be the only senior in it next year (or there might be some rookies), meaning I'll be captain. Maybe. Hopefully. I don't know, really, I tend to lose at everything anyway.

I just want to sing. I have said that at least every other post. But I do. Right now, I want to sing. That's not unusual for me.

I hope Mr. Flannel doesn't mind my 5,250 words on 13 pages for my short story. It's really good, though. And, unlike 90% of this town's population, I can actually spell and use grammar correctly. (Two points for Gryffindor!) ... Sorry, I just unleashed the nerd in me. Usually I hate things that stereotype witches and magic, but Harry Potter is okay.
Actually, if you would like to learn a bit more about Wicca/Paganism there is a weekly newsletter sent by email from Patti Wiggington on No, I am not trying to convert you. I am just tired of the ignorance of some people.
Disclaimer: I am not a Satanist. I do not believe in a Satan. Satan was made up by Christians because they started out as greedy sadist white men who wanted power. Yes, Satan is made in the image of my god, but they are two totally different deities. Just because my god looks like your evil thingie, doesn't mean they're the same. In fact, mine came first. Paganism came before Christianity. Yule came before Christmas. Samhain came before Halloween. Ostara came before Easter. So, just think about where Christianity really came from here. I'm not saying it's a bad religion, it was back then because of power-hungry idiots, but now-a-days it has some pretty good morals. It's just not the right path for me. The point is, I am not a Satanist. I don't sacrifice animals, or people, or blood, or anything else you might think I do. Oh, and the pentacle and pentagram are two totally different things:

^Pentacle. Wicca. 
^Pentagram. Satanism.

Difference? I think yes. I'm sorry about being so gosh-darn blunt about it, but damnit I'm tired of all the ignorance. The Wiccan religion is anything but evil. It focuses on only positive energy. So, if the right-side-up star represents positive, what does the upside-down one indicate? Uhhuhh.. Uhhuhh... 
Also; I picked this up from someone I met who is Satanist: Satanism is not the worship of Satan, but the worship of yourself, because there is a little evil in everyone. 
Doesn't sound like me, I like nice things. 

Hope is a Thing of Feathers actually has some Wiccan based themes in it, the elements, and pentacles, and a Goddess, but I also added a side of fantasy, too. No, I haven't written any of it today. I need to clear my mind right now. 

I am now off to force Ryan into Guild Wars, because he promised he'd play today. I even started playing Runescape with him. And I don't like Runescape. I hate that game. The graphics suck, and there is no party system or actual quest log. Argh! 

Title story: Rasputin was a Russian guy. I listened to that song today as I looked back at some of the fun times we had in color guard. We had a color guard sleepover, and played Just Dance for awhile. Rasputin was one of the songs. Ohh, how I miss color guard bonding time... 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

He cannot afford my diamond sword!

So Friday (yesterday) I found out that I got the Fortune Teller part for madrigal. This made me a happy salamander. Ryan is the barbarian. See that coming? I think those are great parts for the both of us to be honest, though Ryan is more of a sweet heart than anything else. I am excited for madrigal! I am not excited for tear-down.

I finished up the last of chapter five and started chapter six, and have a good "ending" for my assignment. I do not have a passage to share in a post tonight because everything I have recently would give too much of it away. I am proud to say, however, that things are going smoothly. I have figured out a lot of the things that are going into the plot. Generally, I'm not a brainstormer, I write as I go, and go back to it later. In fact, brainstorming is wasted on me.

So, I'm pooped, good night.

P.S. I should probably say what the title means, huh? Just youtube "TobyGames Minecraft I can swing my sword" ... Best song ever. I love Toby.

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Isn't that hot?" "Extremely."

I almost totally forgot about doing a post til a few minutes ago. I've just been so tired, and was laying in bed, and all of a sudden *poof*! "OMG! I didn't do my blog post!"
Anyway. Today I typed up some more of my story. It now has almost 5,000 words and is on 12 or 13 pages? I figure I could save some trees and just send them to the teacher through email instead of printing them. I wrote the last of chapter five today, and parts of chapter six. I am only turning in chapters one through five as the assignment, and I figure it works because it has that to-be-continued type of ending. Most of it I may be finished editing, and it has turned out to be great. I am very proud of my story. NOTE: I will post a sneak peek of a passage again tomorrow, since I haven't done one in awhile.

Ryan has been promising that we'd play Guild Wars "all day tomorrow" every day this week. Well, guess what? It's Friday, and we still haven't played. He told me we will all day tomorrow. We better.

Title story: These are some mildly humorous lines from Stargate: SG1. It's a show. Yeah, I'm a nerd. Anyway, you'd get it if you watched. Colonel O'Neill asks Teal'c if the coffee he's drinking (from the pot) is hot. Teal'c says "Extremely" and continues to drink. Teal'c is an alien. I love this show.

Now Ryan is snoring, and I'm going to have a hell of a time waking him up so that I can have my spot back so I can sleep. As if I could. I took a nap earlier, and even though I'm tired I just can't sleep. One of those nights.
I wish he'd wake up, though. I need to use his laptop to finish typing the rest of chapter five so that I can save/edit/send/etc... I asked him if I could too, he didn't really give me a straight answer.

My caffeine addiction is killing me. I just want a soda. Now. Pepsi, Coke, Mr. Pibb, Dr. Pepper, anything.

I have decided I will play L2 again, but I'll only log on when Allan needs to use my characters. He asked for them but I refused, because even though I don't want to play anymore, those characters are my babies! I think I said that in an earlier post. Oops. Just goes to show I'm tired.

Look at those muscles!      ^ This is Carter                          This is Teal'c^

I was looking for a picture of the coffee scene, but all I found were pictures of Daniel drinking coffee, a couple of him laying half naked in bed (not saying his not totally uber sexy or anything, but definitely not what I was looking for), and some wallpapers. So I chose this one, because Carter is gorgeous and Teal'c has super amazing muscles. (I know I'm weird.)

I have this plan to make all of the doorways in my dream house look like the stargate.

Wouldn't that be neat? With the little chevrons lighting up? And maybe blue curtains falling from them? I would love that in my house. 

"Kind of a ring thing, comes with a dialer, you hit the symbols, it spins around and lights come on, it kind of flushes sideways..." -Jack O'Neill

I was going to share another picture, a painting that I would want in my living room, but it won't load. Some other time maybe. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I want grapefruit

Phew! For a while there I thought I wasn't going to be able to post! My mom, who is technologically impaired, tried to set up the fax machine and add a landline today. Well, it cut off the internet. So I haven't had the net until about half an hour ago. I didn't think I was going to get it back until tomorrow! I'm so happy that I have it back! 
So, I just posted my most recent Sims: Dillan and Jacob Hail. They're adorable. I have recently noticed my thing for covering issues we have in America, and yes, I'm very opinionated. I'm very blunt. I guess that's what I get for being an honest person, too. 
I have also noticed my thing for writing about life and death. A lot. I suppose that's because of how many tragic death stories I've encountered in my life, including losing Marshall, and a more recent death of a classmate. Which reminds me, BRF, I see no change in attitude. Sometimes I just want to scream at people that they are the type of people who cause suicides. I don't. Today in creative writing some idiot preps around me were giggling about another student, making fun and whatnot. I wanted to ... to throw shoes at them! (rawr!) We all say we need to change, but do we? No. We, as a student body, make nonexistent efforts to help others. If ever there was a time to use the word hate, let it be now. I hate the way America treats the minority, and hides in their little cubby-hole they call a church as an excuse. 

ANYWAYS! I typed up a lot of my story today, and edited a lot too. (This is also what I'm turning in for my short story on Monday. No, no one but Flannel-duder can read it). In the word document, it has about 11 pages. It will have more, of course. It only has such a small amount because those are some ridiculously large pages. I'm hoping I can steal Ryan's laptop again tonight and finish up typing what I wrote down today. Yes, I wrote today. I'm getting so much random inspiration. Sometimes, I just have to let the pen write it for me. Oh, I found my pen. It was hiding in the black hole in my bag. 

I love fruit. Lots of fruit. I couldn't live without fruit. Or vegetables, for that matter. I love them. I could live without meat, though. Sometimes, it's just tasteless. 

The other day Mr. Flannel brought out this sheet where we were supposed to describe what it would be like to jump into a murky, stained river, and into a clear lake. I didn't do it, I figured I'd save the teacher some hyperventilation.  Hydrophobes: gotta love'm. Then yesterday we talked about fish. I hate fish. The biology teacher last year brought out the fish for dissection and I cried. I can't stand water or fish. Yup, definitely a cat. Meow! 

That's what's up. Oh, should I share some Photoshop with you? 
This one is just pretty.

This is for my dog. Yeah, I did one for my dog.

Glowy! That was my favorite thing to do when I had PS 

This one was for my ex. I guess he didn't appreciate it.

Just a curtain texture.

One of my IMVU avis.

I made this sig for my ex

I made this sig for Ryan

This is my ex. I did the border, the eyes, scratched away some acne, gave myself some lashes... and some neon lettering.

I just edited a really old pic for this one. I would look terrible with purple hair. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Get the cats off the roof, the banana's going wild!

I have a buddy over right now and he's using my computer, so I'm on Ryan's. Along with this post, I could probably also beg him to edit my story. (bwahaha.) ... Considering he's reading over my shoulder, I don't think it'd be too hard.
Speaking of, I went to write some of it today to learn I had lost my pen. I have no idea where my writing pen went. I then looked for my pencil, no pencil either. In the middle of U.S. History, I have no pen or pencil. I found this out halfway through the class. I was so happy it was just videos all day.
So that story I posted last night with Jakayla I believe I will incorporate into Hope ... not exactly, but somehow Jakayla and Amelia will have a part. Keep in mind that the story posted is not exactly how everything works. I left out a lot of the vocabulary used in the actual story.

We are having lasagna for dinner tonight! This excites me. I love lasagna. Actually, I love anything Italian.

We are singing this song for choir called pat-A-pan. There is this solo line that the teacher gave to the back row of sopranos. This wouldn't be a problem, except I'm not in the back row, and three of the chicks back there are tone deaf and/or nasally. I also have an issue with not being the center of attention. And with the fact that the S2 line is too low for me to sing in that style of music. I can't hit low C's in that style of music. I can hit the high C's. Not the low ones. Thanks so much, choir teacher.

Ryan went to a funeral today. You guys know the one. Everyone had to leave early, though, because they were afraid someone was going to crash it. Ryan walked into the library with bloodshot eyes. I feel so bad. I wish I could've been there with him.

I will be making another sim later tonight, if I post pictures or not is yet to be determined, it depends on if I'm too lazy. If I don't tonight, the pictures will be up by tomorrow night.

I just want to sing. But I feel like it would be awkward with Ryan's buddy here. (It's Silas.) ... and Ryan just tried to beat-box and I had to yell at him. That was annoying. I already have a headache from the lighting at the school, now he wants to annoy me with noises? Four ibuprofen, please!

THE TITLE STORY: When I still played Lineage 2, I was in a clan allied with a Russian clan. I randomly typed into party chat something that looked like this: ... . ...    ..... . . ... .. .... ... . ... .. .... . ..   .. .   ... The Russian guy told me he read Morse code, and asked if I wanted him to translate. I told him no thanks. He did anyway. It came out as Get the cats off the roof, the banana's going wild! ... So I technically know Morse code. Technically. I said a sentence. With a comma. With two subjects and verbs. The whole shabang. That's what's up.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A bit extra

There are some things I did not mention in my earlier post, and I figure instead of editing it I'll just make another. It'll notify easier that way. This is my Sims portion of the day. My latest sim is Trudy Marsh, the techie from You Have the Right to Remain Dead. I figure I'll go ahead and make my character, too, but later. Or maybe not. I should move on from that play. Another neat thing is: Scooby Doo - Isn't he adorable? I don't really like the shows/movies but that's just too damn cute.
Allan wants my L2 accounts. (LOL not happening.)... Those are my babies. As much as I say I don't care about L2 anymore, that's definitely not true. Irish and Kattster are my babies and no one can has. No one. Can. Has.
Yes. I meant to be grammatically incorrect. I can do that because I know the difference, unlike most of the rest of my school. There is a difference between of and off, and loose and lose, and then and than, and let's not forget has and have, their, there, and they're, for, four and fore.
To, too, and two.
Which and witch.
Whose and whos.
u and you. (seriously, w.t.f.?)

As you can see, I am a little bit educated. Just a little. I learned all this in fourth grade. Come on, people.

Edit: WoW screenies!

I got 11 levels within a week. 11. From 33 to 44. On a trial. What.

I'm on a boat!

I'm a pirate!

Some of the skill graphics are kinda cool.

Evil Dolly. Evil, alright. That's an alliance!

That dragon has a beard!

Adventures in English

I think we can all agree that creative writing has become my main focus in classes (besides choir, but that's always there). Today, the teacher was putting on a puppet show with some PEZ dispensers. This is totally normal. We were all laughing, of course, as he was doing the voices. As the PEZ's were making out, the teacher looks up and kind of stops, I turn around and right behind me is the vice principal. The class laughed, and the two just kind of stared at each other. The vice principal said that he guaranteed us that he had never seen that teaching technique here before. At least the PEZ presentation transitioned into a powerpoint, otherwise I'd think our dear Mr. Flannel had gone nuts.
He prompted us with some story about two lovers sitting near a river having a picnic (which reminded me of Salley Gardens, my S&E solo last year) and some random chick pops up behind a tree. We were to make up the rest of the story about why she was there/etc... I turned the two lovers into lesbians (Jakayla and Amelia, they should be familiar) and the chick (in the long flowy dress) was a guardian sent by the Goddess to tell Jakayla of her magick powers as a poet. Yes, I'm a little weird. But, that gives a little bit of a sneak peak into the story that I'm really writing (Hope is a Thing of Feathers).
He also prompted us about writing with showing (not telling) words. He gave us the prompt "a cheap person" to write about. I wrote about a paragraph on it before getting bored, and decided to go with a funeral instead. I then wrote about that for almost the rest of the hour (and it will be my open-mic Friday story) so I won't put it up on this blog 'til Friday. I will share my autobiographical poem though (it's an assignment).

Only singing can make me joyful
It fills my heart and spirit
With magick and power, clear and flowing
As long as I can sing, my life is complete

Death ravages my life, as an enemy,
Comes and takes what I love.
But music, singing helps me cope
But is life my ally?

Music calms me, it is my therapy
Music, singing, theater, my second love life
It can do what no one else can
It can embrace me, and create a castle of love.

I think it's a cute free-verse poem. Not my best. But cute. I will also share the continuation of the narrative prompt he gave us. It starts when the main character first sees the girl in the flowing dress.

My love does not see her. Time seems to stand still, and the apparition comes closer. She walks through me, and I feel a surge of electrical power. I look back at Amelia and she doesn't seem to notice anything different.
"Jakayla, we should go home, it's getting late," she told me.
I nodded, and we packed up and left.
That night I had a vision. The girl came to see me, we were next to the river. 
"Jakayla," she said in a resonating voice. "The Poet. Do you know why I am here?"
I shook my head.
"I am your guardian. The powers I have given you are only to be used for good. I have come to tell you that you can create magick through your poetry. You have not noticed your abilities, but they are there."
Then I woke in a puddle of sweat. My girlfriend was laying beautifully next to me, still asleep. I checked the clock. Only midnight. I tried, again, to sleep, but could not.

Yes, I could do with editing a lot of it. This is what my rough drafts usually look like. I add in all of the descriptions and big words later. If I write a final draft before anything else, it comes out just how I need it to, but I usually only do that for essays.
I should be editing the story right now, but Ryan is working on opening a multiplayer server for Minecraft. I'd say he could use my computer for it, but we want to watch a movie soon. I think during the movie I could work on the story a little. Which reminds me, during advising today I added a little more to chapter four. I'm thinking I'll have to make a break in the passage soon, or start the next chapter altogether. I'm so proud!

NOTE: When you see me type "magick," I mean to spell it that way. In my religion (Wicca) I spell magick like that. I capitalize Goddess. I may capitalize Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit in some senses. It is not capitalized in the poem above because the spirit I was talking about was mine, not Spirit the element. Thanks.

There's a funeral tomorrow that Ryan is going to. I'm not. I can't. But I'll be outside in case he needs me. I remember Marshall's funeral. I ran out halfway up the line. I couldn't take it. I stayed in the car when they lowered the casket into the ground. I hope Ryan is okay. I hope everyone is okay.


Monday, November 14, 2011

The Nostalgia Post

So today in creative writing we were making these mood/feeling/blah posters. The themes were anger, love, peacefulness, disappointment, and safety. There was one more, but I forgot it. (also, my shift key is sticky, I can't tell if I'm pressing it. Need a new keyboard)... Under "love" the team with the red marker put down "Sounds like: the bed creaking" and "Feels like: a good time." LOL. My team decided they wanted to put down something about the teacher, our dear Sir Flannel, on every poster. Weirdos.
I have decided that my ex's Guild Wars account is going to Ryan, since he doesn't seem to play anymore, and Ryan doesn't need to waste the money on it. It's actually my account anyway, I paid for everything on it. And I need my tank back. I have some issues there. So as of tonight the password is changed. Case closed.

Nostalgia break!
And that is what archmages do to my character. They ninja out of nowhere and  shoot me with their flame discs of death.

Kattser: Me, Sevv: My ex, Irish: My baby! (I'm not really sure why I'm saying umm)

I just think my ee sub is adorable. That hat is my trademark. It was a gift from a GM.

That's Irish. Yes, that is an IC set with a dynasty shield and an arcana mace. I was poor.

That's my awesome present cloak. The one I'm wearing is Zaken.

Skah-toes! I remember leveling down here constantly. Really good exp for high levels, and gave element stones.

Oh, that's right. I got level 81 after this screenie btw. That's what level I still am. 81. Do you like our titles? I miss that.

I swear we must've spent days in this area just collecting books and low adena. I loved those bonus exp days.

This is the last screenshot I ever got in this game. Sevv is on Irish for this one. Yes, the name Sevv is a Star Wars reference. This was the last time I actually played this game.

Aion! (I found the folder) - I only played this game for about two months. I got to level 24 (?)... Then it got boring. 
Yes, that's me with a tail and wings. and my hair has kitty ears and kitty bells. It's so fitting for my nickname.
 Which reminds me; today in creative writing (adventures in English!) my group was talking about how they hated cats, and they should all die. This is kind of ironic, considering my nick is Kattster, and I have very cat-like qualities. Examples: expressive eyes, feeling of vibes, hair standing on end, fast reflexes, and temperamental moodiness. I love cats.
I just think this is so pretty. Level 6!

It's kind of a copy of WoW in some ways...

This was Stanze's character.

This was my other character.

Level 17! I was in party with Stanze! 

To be totally honest, I kind of miss this game. Level 20! I love these graphics. And my character is adorable.

I suppose I'll have to share the Morrowind screenies later on. Yeah, you could say I'm a major gamer. I've played Guild Wars for the past like, 6 years. WoW on and off. I want Skyrim so badly.

I'm not going to lie- I haven't been working on the story at all. I still have to go back and edit some parts on the typed version on Ryan's computer. This will hopefully happen soon. 

Not much happened today, except for an excruciating headache, which turned into a migraine, and is still ongoing. Just... fml. My mouse is acting up again. I need new batteries, for the third time since I came home from California. This is the part where I say goodbye and go play Guild Wars like the no-lifer I am, I know, I'm a nerd. I really just don't have that much to say today. No Sims tonight. WoW screenies come in the next post. 


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baby toes

Today was frustrating, but I don't think I'll go into detail about that. I'm done with bad energy for now.

I've had the song Dies Irae stuck in my head for awhile. It's a good thing it's a pretty song. I like how fierce it is... I just want to sing. I don't think Ryan would be too keen on that though.

I feel like playing Minecraft in creative mode. That's what I'm doing after this post, or maybe logging onto Runescape and spamming Ryan's chat box. I think that'd be funny. Today he told me "You know what you are? You're just a big doodoo head!" ... Someone's hyper. I asked him why he didn't read my blog. He told me he didn't know, and said he figured there's stuff on here I didn't want him to see. Wow, 'cause I'd post that stuff on the internet for the world to see.

I was very productive about the Sims today. I got two posts done: Valerie Marks and The American Dream. The American Dream has a very opinionated article by me, and (warning is now) is rather exaggerated.

We had baked potatoes for dinner tonight, and I really just wanted to drizzle mine in maple syrup. (I think that would've weirded out mom though)... I told Ryan we were having baked potatoes, so he said "Baked potatoes!" in this weird baby voice, and I thought he said "Baby toes." It made me giggle.

Wow, this is a boring post. Oh, for those readers who haven't yet liked my Facebook page Katt's Sims do so now. I link all of my blog and dolls pages to it as well as my main Facebook. Please and thanks! I really like feedback.

I got kind of angry at Ryan today. He decided to ask a friend of his (who is female) to a movie. Now, this would've been okay, but he didn't ask me to go. He didn't ask me if he could go before asking her. He only asked if I'd be angry. Well, I don't want him to go. This makes me a bitch. Good fight. (the argument is over now, though, all better!)

I miss Lineage 2:
Ahh, the memories.. Back in 6x times...

I remember these guys. Herc and Cal, man. Those were the days. Whoah, I was only level 60 at one point? What?

Me and mah rudolf nose.

This is my kamael and my ex on his orc. Sometimes I miss those days, when we wouldn't fight.

I took this one because I noticed the rainbows coming off the shots on my duals.  I like rainbows.

That's my EE!

That's my EE again!

That's me, Allan, and my ex on a different server because Bartz was down. 

I'm sorry to have to say goodbye to this game. It's too bad I don't have any pictures of Irish, she was my baby! I'll have to look for those for another post, along with some from Forsaken World and WoW.

Guild Wars nostalgia!

This is my main character: Jade Sigler

This was on my Derv. I never get rare items. 

This was the same day as above on my main; I was just lucky that day. Like I said, I never get this lucky- I was excited. 

I just think this thing is adorable. It's too bad it's aggro.

This is my prestige armor.

This is... Tyrian armor? Yeah. It sucked.

Here's that rare green axe again. It's so pretty.

My warrior Death Blade Jade and my ex: Sevv.

That's right. I get my own statue. What.

I think it's pretty neat they put concept art in the game.

Screenies from other games later. Like maybe Aion. I think I got some screenies in Aion. I quit that, too. 

If anyone is still actually reading this I'm like, super surprised. Anyway, time for grapefruit.